4th Capacity-building Hub
4th Capacity-building Hub
to Africa/Cairo
Location: Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt

The 4th Capacity-building Hub will take place from  November 9th-16th at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. Hosted by the Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB), the Hub seeks to showcase efforts made towards greater climate actions in 2022 through the lens of capacity-building. For the detailed programme click here. Hosted over the course of seven days in both weeks of COP 27, the 4th Capacity-building Hub will be organized into thematic days focusing on issues directly linked to capacity-building with a view to supporting enhanced climate action at all levels: Capacity-building Day, Implementing Article 6 & 13 of the Paris Agreement, Just Transition & Sustainable Economies, Open Space Learning, Oceans & Land, PCCB Focus area and more.