Project Details

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Location: MS Teams
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Location: MS Teams

Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
Indicator A: Quality of reporting and transparency mechanisms under the Paris Agreement Medium High 0 Reports/evaluations from the UNFCCC/ICA /3rd Parties on Thailand's submissions
C1. Number of persons trained, 120 0 0 Participant lists for all training and capacity building activities
C2. percentage of persons trained that are women 60 Not known 0 Participant lists for all training and capacity building activities
E: Sectoral coverage of tracking progress in implementing mitigation actions and regularly reporting as per Paris Agreement enhanced At least 1 0 0 Reports/evaluations from the UNFCCC/ICA /3rd Parties on Thailand's submissions
G: Sectoral coverage of monitoring and evaluating adaptation actions and assessment of vulnerabilities to climate change is enlarged Target: 1 (Agriculture) 0 0 Source of Verification: Next BTR – Adaptation section

Project Implementation


1. Thailand has the institutional and human capacities to regularly prepare accurate and transparent GHG inventories of the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) and Energy Sector through its national GHG inventory system
1.1. Institutional arrangements, including processes and procedures for collecting and reporting in the Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use (AFOLU) sector formalized
1.1.1 Outline clear and detailed institutional roles, mandates and responsibilities of ministries, agencies and external data providers involved in data production, collection and reporting of the AFOLU sector.
1.1.2 Draft and implement data-sharing agreements for the different data providers in the AFOLU sectors.
1.1.3 Organize a stakeholder workshop with all involved data providers, about the institutional roles and tasks for data production, collection and reporting of AFOLU sector.
1.2 Sectorial guidelines, templates and tools for data collection developed and training provided to support operationalization of the web-based inventory system in the Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use (AFOLU) sectors.
1.2.1 Develop sector-specific guidelines and templates for data collection in the Forestry
1.2.2 Develop the data collection systems of the forestry/non-forestry areas, soil carbon emissions and livestock manure management for the subsequent calculations of GHG inventories in the existing web-based inventory system (TGEIS)
1.2.3 Deliver training on Forestry sector guidelines and templates to technical staff involved in the GHG inventory process
1.3 Country-specific emission factors following IPCC Guidelines developed in the Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use (AFOLU) and Energy Sectors
1.3.1 In collaboration with local experts, develop country-specific emission pool for agricultural soils.
1.3.2 In collaboration with local experts, develop relevant data set for the establishment of country-specific emission factors for the manure management in Livestock sector
1.3.3 In collaboration with local experts, develop country-specific emission factors for
selected fuels in Energy sector.
1.4 Methodology and system for QA/QC for data from the Forestry sector developed
1.4.1 Develop guidance on the application of QA/QC procedures in the GHG inventory compilation for the Forestry sector
1.4.2 Hold a final stakeholder workshop for all staff in the different agencies involved in the GHG inventory process, as well as other relevant data-providers (e.g. sub-national entities)
2.1 Thailand's transparency framework is enabled to track progress in implementing its mitigation action and report regularly as per Paris Agreement
2.1 Institutional arrangements for the tracking of mitigation action, including quality check of GHG reduction estimations, formalized in the Agricultural sector.
2.1.1 Strengthen and formalize the institutional arrangements for the monitoring of open burning reduction measures in the Agriculture sector, including outlining the responsibilities of relevant institutions to deliver the necessary data and information to track progress.
2.1.2 Adjust and develop processes and procedures for data collection, reporting, and quality control of GHG estimations from open burning reduction measures in the Agriculture sector
2.2 Monitoring indicators and information matrix to track progress of mitigation action in the Agricultural sector developed, and training to lead agencies to report indicators is provided
2.2.1 In collaboration with sectorial experts and agencies, identify sector-specific indicators and information matrix for tracking of open burning reduction measures in the agriculture sector
2.2.2 Develop monitoring and evaluation system to monitor the implementation of open burning reduction measures in the agriculture sector.
2.3 Methodologies, tools, and templates for estimating GHG emissions reduction impacts in the Agricultural sector developed, and capacity building of stakeholders on the usage of the tools provided
2.3.1 Assess fitness for purpose, and if necessary, adapt existing methodologies/tools to estimate GHG emissions reductions in the agricultural sector
2.3.2 Develop methodologies and templates for the specific purpose of the open burning reduction measure
2.3.3 Provide training to staff in relevant agencies on the use of the information matrix and the reporting on the specific indicators, as well as methodological tools a
nd templates for the estimation of GHG emissions reductions
3 Thailand has systems and tools to effectively track international support received and report transparently as per international obligations
3.1 Institutional arrangements to track support received established
3.1.1 Take stock of current institutional arrangements, including procedures and processes of involved agencies and ministries in relation to storing and reporting information on support received.
3.1.2 Identify gaps and barriers in relation to the flow of information on support received and
inter-ministerial communication.
3.1.3 Establish and formalize institutional arrangements, outlining reporting responsibilities.
3.1.4 Conduct a study to devise a Gender Action Plan for the project as a whole.
3.2 Web-based templates and training for reporting of the MRV of support developed and disseminated
3.2.1 Assess reporting requirements on support needed and received, as laid out in the modalities, procedures and guidelines and compare with informational elements of the existing basic templates.
3.2.2 Generate an appropriate web-based reporting template for international climate support
received in compliance with the MPG requirements.
3.2.3 Deliver trainings on the use of the web-based reporting templates.
3.2.4 Conduct trial run of the system and test the web-based reporting template with selected agency and to report on support received
4. Thailand has tools and human capacities to monitor and evaluate adaptation actions and assess vulnerabilities to climate change, as well as use the information for adaptation policy development in the Agriculture Sector.
4.1. Metrics, indicators and methodologies for Agriculture for the purpose of tracking the adaptation goals outlined in the NDC and NAP developed
4.1.1 Collect and analyze domestic and international evidence and experiences in impacts, risks and vulnerability assessment and M&E of adaptation actions in the Agriculture sector as well as
existing metrics, indicators and methodologies of the Agr. sector, on a national and sub-national level.
4.1.2 Develop metrics, indicators and methodologies in accordance with the NAP and the general practices of the Agriculture sector, including monitoring and evaluation practices at national and sub-national level, and the development of the baseline of indicators for evaluation.
4.1.3 Take stock of current institutional arrangements for reporting, monitoring and evaluation
of adaptation actions in the Agri. sector, including procedures and processes of involved agencies and ministries, and establish and formalize institutional arrangements, outlining reporting responsibil.
4.2 Templates for a national information gateway on climate risk, vulnerability and adaptation to monitoring and evaluation adaptation action in the Agriculture sector developed and disseminated.
4.2.1 Develop the template for reporting on performance, and monitoring and evaluation, of adaptation activities in the Agriculture sector according to the NAP and climate change strategies/plans/measures for agricultural sector, as well as the framework under the Paris Agreement.
4.2.2 Develop a reporting database "a national information gateway" for performance,
monitoring and evaluation of adaptation actions in the Agriculture sector.
4.2.3 Test the reporting database for performance, monitoring and evaluation of adaptation actions in a selected agency in the Agricultural sector, and assess the results.
4.2.4 Publish reporting database of monitoring and evaluation of climate change impacts and adaptation in the Agriculture and disseminate to related agencies.
4.2.5 Develop Guidelines for reporting, monitoring and evaluation of adaptation actions in the Agricultural sector.
4.3 Capacity building on integrating information and knowledge on impacts, risks and vulnerability from climate change into policy formulation, and on monitoring and evaluation of adaptation activities strengthened in the Agricultural sector.
4.3.1 Analyze practices for applying information and knowledge on impacts, risks and vulnerabilities from climate change in policy formulation in the Agriculture sector.
4.3.2 Develop training curriculum, integrating relevant climate change and V&A knowledge, for the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, following Activity 4.3.1.
4.3.3 Provide training to relevant agencies in integrating adaptation issues in climate change plans/measures/strategies following the Activities 4.3.1 and 4.3.2.
4.3.4 Provide training to relevant agencies on the use of the reporting database (under Output 4.2) following the guidelines developed under Activity 4.2.5.

Project Documents