Project Details


This CBIT project is presented as opportunity to strengthen Montenegro’s capacities to meet new international obligations to monitor, report, and verify actions related to climate change.  In the absence of this project, the country will likely be to still meet these obligations, but at a much slower pace, missing critical and important milestones necessary for the country to meet national sustainable development goals. A parallel and complementary need is for Montenegro to strengthen their institutional and regulatory frameworks that are more aligned with the European Union’s Monitoring Mechanism Regulation for Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Emissions Trading System. 

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Project Implementation


1. A strengthened institutional mechanism for increased transparency
1.1.Strengthened governance, procedures, and technical capacities in order to respond to emerging transparency requirement under the Paris Agreement
1. ToRs for national experts for: mitigation, adaptation and climate change finance are developed, 2. Open calls for all three experts are published. For expert for mitigation open call is repeating 3 times because there were not enough applicants, 3. Evaluation panels are established
1.2 Transparency Methodologies, Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs) for tracking NDCs
1. ToRs for national experts for: mitigation, adaptation and climate change finance are developed, 2. Open calls for all three experts are published. For expert for mitigation open call is repeating 3 times because there were not enough applicants, 3. Evaluation panels are established
1.3 Transparency Methodologies, Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs) for tracking adaptation activities
1. ToRs for national experts for: mitigation, adaptation and climate change finance are developed, 2. Open calls for all three experts are published. For expert for mitigation open call is repeating 3 times because there were not enough applicants, 3. Evaluation panels are established
1.4 A transparency MPG for tracking climate finance
1. ToRs for national experts for: mitigation, adaptation and climate change finance are developed, 2. Open calls for all three experts are published. For expert for mitigation open call is repeating 3 times because there were not enough applicants, 3. Evaluation panels are established
2. Strengthened national institutions to implement enhanced transparency
2.1 Improved GHG inventory and projections
1. ToRs for national experts for: mitigation, adaptation and climate change finance are developed, 2. Open calls for all three experts are published. For expert for mitigation open call is repeating 3 times because there were not enough applicants, 3. Evaluation panels are established
2.2: Selected public authorities and scientific institutions capacities are built for applying MPGs in the first reporting period on national adaptation actions under article 15 of the MMR
1. ToRs for national experts for: mitigation, adaptation and climate change finance are developed, 2. Open calls for all three experts are published. For expert for mitigation open call is repeating 3 times because there were not enough applicants, 3. Evaluation panels are established
2.3: Relevant national institutions are enabled to mainstream gender into the enhanced transparency framework
1. ToRs for national experts for gender is developed, 2. Open call is published. 3. Evaluation panel is established; 4. Currently sort listing is underway
Outcome 3: Strengthened coordination and information exchange is institutionalized with an enhanced transparency framework
3.1: The transparency portal is strengthened and made fully operative
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3.2: Trainings on the use of portal information to support decision-making
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3.3: Feedback on the project implementation, results and lessons learned are shared through the Global Coordination Platform
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4: A technical roadmap on low-carbon and climate-resilient development is formulated and adopted
4.1: A technical roadmap for a National LCDS is drafted in line with the enhanced transparency framework
< to be provided upon approval of project document>

Project Documents