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Project Details
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Project Indicators
Indicator | Target | Baseline | Value | Source of verification |
Number of trained experts in projections and NDC tracking and updating | At least 20 | 0 | 0 | Training report |
Number of key recommendations from the MTR that are incorporated into project management and activities. | All key recommendations are addressed | N/A | 0 | Mid-term and final evaluation and response matrix |
Adopting a gender monitoring and reporting system for the CBIT project | implementation of a gender monitoring and reporting system | N/A | 0 | Avaibility of the gender Monitoring system |
Number of women involved in the different training and capacity building activities | At least 40% of people involved in training and capacity building | Gender not measured | 0 | Progress and final report |
Organization of workshops on good practices and exchange of experiences on the implementation of the ETF | At least 6 workshops | No workshops | 0 | Worshops report |
Dissemination of good practices and lessons learned | Good practices are internally and internationally exchanged | N/A | 0 | Good practices document and result are available on the CBIT plateform |
Number of trained experts on M&E of adaptation actions in vulnerable sectors | At least 30 | 0 | 0 | Training report |
Implementation of national adaptation M&E system | M&E guidelines in at least 2 priority sectors | No M&E guidelines | 0 | Adaptation system developed |
Development of sectoral guidelines and methodologies to track the implementation of the NDC | Sectoral guidelines allowing to train experts are in place | Lack of experts | 0 | 4 sectoral guidelines has been developed |
Direct project beneficiaries disaggregated by gender (individual people) | 153 (men:women 2:1) | 15 (men:women 2:1) | 0 | Progress and final report |
Implementation of a robust national online GHG inventory online information system | A robust system is implemented | No robust system | 0 | Disponibility of the inventory GHG information and link to the SIE |
Number of trained experts on elaboration of GHG inventory (CRF tables and NIR) using the most recent and applicable IPCC Guidelines | All 30 key actors | 0 | 0 | Training report |
Formalization of institutional arrangements | A decree has been implemented | Not formalized | 0 | Decree published and implemented |
Number of different stakeholders coordinated under a new MRV framework | At least 20 | 0 | 0 | Verification of data collection |
(Indicator 5 of CBIT tracking tool): Qualitative assessment of institutional capacity for transparencyrelated activities | 4 | 2 | 0 | nominee of Focal Points and final report submitted |
(Indicator 4 of CBIT tracking tool): Meeting Convention reporting requirements and including mitigation contributions | 3rd NC and 1st BUR Submitted | NDC, NC submitted | 0 | Finals of 3rd NC and 1st BUR Submitted |
(Indicator 3 of CBIT tracking tool): Quality of MRV Systems | 9 | 2 | 0 | Operational MRV system |
Project Implementation
1.1 A sustainable framework for the national MRV system is in place
1.1.1. Institutional arrangements regarding the national GHG inventory and mitigation system developed
Finalization of Memorandum with FAMV and BME
1.1.2. Roadmap to strengthen the national institutions to meet enhanced transparency requirements of the Paris Agreement in place
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.2 A sustainable national GHG inventory system is developed
1.2.1. Relevant stakeholders, including Universities, trained on cross-sectoral framework, data collection, QA/QC and analysis for the national GHG inventory
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.2.2. Sectoral Training modules for GHG inventories developed and or adapted on Energy, Industrial Processes, AFOLU and Wastes and used to train relevant stakeholders, including universities
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.2.3. A flexible national tool is developed to compile the national GHG emission inventory according to IPCC Guidelines
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.2.4. Data collection is organized and experts are accompanied to develop a consistent time-series inventory
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.2.5. Sectoral and QA/QC procedures are written and archiving of all relevant documents, tools and results is organized
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.2.6. Capacity of national experts strengthened for implementing and reporting of Haiti’s NIRs
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.3 NDC tracking system is in place
1.3.1. Sectoral experts trained on methodologies to establish projections and sectoral tools for energy and AFOLU
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.3.2. Detailed sectoral guidelines are developed to ensure progress tracking of the NDC
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.3.3. Progress against the NDC is tracked based on the methodologies developed
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
2.1. Specific indicators are defined to track the NDC at sectoral level
2.1.1. M&E Guidelines and procedures including indicators developed for priority sectors
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
2.1.2. Gender indicator system is in place
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
2.1.3. Experts trained on overall approaches to monitor and evaluate adaptation activities
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
2.1.4. Pilot M&E applied in priority sectors
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
3.1 Project feedbacks inform approaches to enhanced transparency domestically and internationally
3.1.1. Project good practices are exchanged internally and with francophone countries as part of difficulties encountered and solutions brought will be common
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
3.2 The participation of women in the process is promoted
3.2.1. Gender-disaggregated indicators of the participation in the process are monitored and reported
>to be provided upon approval of project document<