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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
direct project beneficiaries disaggregated by sex (individual people) 120, 60 Female 0 0
(Indicator 3 of CBIT tracking tool): Quality of MRV Systems* 9 3 0
(Indicator 4 of CBIT tracking tool): Meeting Convention reporting requirements and including mitigation contributions First BTR submitted to UNFCCC NDC, NCs, BURs 0
(Indicator 5 of CBIT tracking tool): Qualitative assessment of institutional capacity for transparencyrelated activities** 4 2 0
Number of IPCC subcategories using an advanced Tier approach (Tier 2 or Tier 3) in the national GHG inventory At least 5 IPCC subcategories 0 0
Number of national experts trained on 2006 IPCC methodologies and on the development of advanced Tier approaches 60, 50% female 0 0
Presence of institutional arrangements for a national transparency framework roadmap for implementation of enhanced institutional architecture for MRV No arrangements 0
Progress in the development of an Excel-based system that is being used for continuous data collection and reporting to the UNFCCC Excel model for data collection, processing and submission is operational Ad-hoc collection 0
Number of experts trained on the use of the IT based system for inventory preparation. 20, 50% female 0 0
Dissemination of good practices and lessons learned Report on lessons learned of CBIT project N/A 0

Project Implementation


1.1 Key Category sectors benefit from locally-calibrated emission factors and/or activity data, enabling the inventory to advance to Tier 2 or Tier 3 GHG estimation approaches
1.1 Development of Tier 2 emission factors for key fuels: coal, heavy fuel oil, gasoline, diesel, kerosene and liquified petroleum gas – for application in Energy Industries, Transport, Manufacturing Industry and Construction, and Energy Other Sectors
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.2 Development of Tier 3 emission factors for Mauritius’s 8 thermal power plants and a real-time grid emission factor – for application in Energy Industries and (increasingly) Transport
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.2 Development of Tier 3 emission factors for Mauritius’s 8 thermal power plants and a real-time grid emission factor – for application in Energy Industries and (increasingly) Transport
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.3 Development of Tier 2 activity data for Mauritius’s land transport sector (road, Metro), augmented by gender and socio-economic usage data
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.4 Development of Tier 2 enteric fermentation emission factors and model for livestock
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.5 Development of Tier 2 allometric equations, root-to-shoot ratios and carbon densities for 4 key tree species in the Mauritian context
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.6 Ground-truthed forest inventory of privately-held forestland and non-forest tree cover (e.g. along river banks and roadsides)
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
2.1 Reduced burden (time, cost) on institutions supplying data to the national greenhouse gas inventory
2.1 Implemented government roadmap for a permanent MRV structure, including firm government financing and institutional commitments
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
2.2 Development of an IT-based system to simplify and streamline the inventory data collection process
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
3.1 Enhanced policy-relevance of the national greenhouse gas inventory, transitioning from a periodic UNFCCC obligation to a useful policy tool
3.1 Targeted training on the use of the new IT-based system and on the use of the inventory for policy formulation, target-setting, scenario analysis and MRV of NDC commitments
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
3.2 Enhancing the role of the Climate Change Information Centre (CCIC) as a transparency portal
>to be provided upon approval of project document<

Project Documents