Project Details


To meet enhanced transparency requirements as defined in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement by strengthening institutional and technical capacity for measuring and reporting on emissions, mitigation and adaptation activities, and support received

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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
Existence of a designated CC MRV unit at MoEPP. MRV established No MRV in MoEPP 0 Project and MoEPP reports
Number of direct project beneficiaries disaggregated by gender as co-benefit of GEF investment 120 29 0 Project reports
Quality of transparency activities undertaken by government organizations 7 5 0 Project and Government reports
Level of capacity to ensure gender equality and equity in climate change projects 30% of the Plan implemented GC plan exist 0 Project and Government reports
Number of toolkits on MRV for Climate Change Mitigation and Climate Change Adaptation: a) developed b) used 8 toolkits and Employees working in at least 3 government agencies report using No toolkits 0 Project reports
Integration of transparency concepts into key sectoral policies/legislation At least 2 policies or laws integrate transparency concepts. Not incorporated 0 Project and Government reports
Country-specific training on gender and climate change Gender training module developed Some materials exist 0 Project and Government reports
Level of dissemination of knowledge products produced by the project All knowledge products available at the CC web site No knowledge product 0
A national platform fully functional to manage transparency data and report on NDC progress 1 0 0 Project and Government Reports
Number of government agencies reporting data to the national platform on a regular basis 4 0 0 Project and Government reports
Number of government agencies accessing data and information on the national platform 10 0 0 Project and Government reports
Number of MRV tools that incorporate Gender-sensitive measurement and reporting 2 0 0 Project and Government reports

Project Implementation


1.1 National institutions for MRV are strengthened and transparency activities are aligned with country priorities
1.1.1 MRV unit established at MOEPP to oversee climate change reporting on national and international commitments
• Align MRV work in support of the NDCs with reporting necessary for SDG 13, current environmental information reporting, such as reporting to the EEA, and other reporting obligations that may emerge, such as reporting on Integrated Energy and Climate Plans to the Energy Community
Provide recommendations to MOEPP and the Government on fine-tuning the NDCs and means of measuring progress in their implementation
Develop a financing roadmap for the MRV unit and identify national and external sources of long-term support for its personnel and activities
Coordinate the national networks of staff responsible for MRV within the key relevant government organizations, as well as local experts
1.1.2 Capacity of relevant government organizations strengthened to increase scope and quality of transparency activities
Conduct a functional analysis of climate change-related capacity for national and regional agencies
Use the MOEPP MRV office to conduct briefings for the NCCC, key sectoral ministries, the Government, Parliament, municipalities, and civil society on transparency activities and the NDCs
Track spending on CC in budgets in coordination with the MRV Unit at MOEPP
Develop a protocol for providing “on-call” support to other sectoral ministries and government agencies as needed.
1.1.3 National networks established of staff responsible for MRV within the key relevant government organizations, as well as local experts
Identify in-country experts in three areas (inventories and mitigation, adaptation, and climate finance) and establish a national network of practitioners in that area
Implement the national climate change communications strategy and provide information support to the national networks
Plan and implement at least 3 events where network members can network and exchange good practice
Identify linkages between the networks and their sub-regional and regional counterparts
• Compile a roadmap for post-project management of the networks
1.1.4 Capacity to ensure gender equality and equity in climate change projects increased
Work with Implementing Partner to identify a national Climate Change and Gender Focal Point
Conduct a pilot sectoral climate and gender analysis (e.g. renewable energy) and provide a briefing for policymakers on the results.
Provide support to the Climate Change and Gender Focal Point in screening climate finance projects
Compile an expert roster of individuals and organizations that can provide expertise on gender issues
2.1 Organizations and individuals have the necessary training and tools to conduct MRV activities
2.1.1 Toolkits and templates for mitigation and adaptation reporting developed and disseminated
Compile an expert roster of individuals and organizations that can provide expertise on gender issues
Identify suitable hardware, software, and licensing/subscription options to enhance reporting on agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU)
Develop an MRV scheme for adaptation measures, starting with measures addressing the most vulnerable sector
Conduct a governmental budget analysis (aligned with EU methodology); identify baseline spending on CC in the government budget for both mitigation and adaptation in coordination with sectoral ministries and other governmental units and develop an MRV scheme for tracking support for climate change
2.1.2 Training program for transparency activities operationalized
Conduct a training assessment for key agencies providing data and information on transparency activities
Develop appropriate materials and curricula for target groups
Develop a multi-year plan for training on transparency activities
Conduct training-of-trainers for MRV Office staff
Conduct training sessions for target groups in government and civil society
Organize regular training on an annual basis for media and journalists on key aspects of climate change vulnerability and adaptation opportunities, and develop a process for recognizing outstanding coverage
Evaluate training outcomes and revise materials and trainings as necessary
Establish a database of training materials for government employees on transparency activities
2.1.3 Transparency concepts integrated into policies and legislation in key (I)NDC areas
Commission an analysis of policies and legislation in key (I)NDC areas: energy supply, buildings, and transport
Provide recommendations for entry points in key strategies and legislation
Prepare draft text for national policy, legislation, and planning documents
Prepare a publication on the mainstreaming exercise that may serve as a guidance document for other countries
2.1.4 Research and training on climate change and gender developed and disseminated
Provide two training sessions for gender stakeholders on climate change and climate finance and vice versa
Develop and conduct a briefing on gender issues for the NCCC
Develop and deliver training modules for key stakeholders (State Statistical Office, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy) on gender issues
Develop a gender module for climate finance readiness training that can also be delivered as a stand-alone seminar
Develop and implement a plan to disseminate research and training modules throughout South-Eastern Europe (a process that can utilize the regional network of climate change OFPs and gender specialists) and through the Global Support Programme and the Global Coordination Platform as appropriate
3.1 Arrangements for data collection, analysis, and reporting shift from a project-based cycle to a continuous process
3.1.1 Integrated system of tracking tools for transparency-related actions and progress established
Commission an integrated environmental information system to measure progress on mitigation actions, adaptation, and support received
Engineer interfaces between the system and key sectoral databases (e.g. the energy balance, industrial information, and the vehicle registry).
Commission a user interface for the system that will allow for advanced data visualization, integration with GIS software, and outputs that can be aligned with international reporting templates (e.g. UNFCCC, EU/EIA, EnC).
For each of the mitigation measures identified in the NDCs, elaborate an MRV system that complies with the EU MMR and includes procedures and institutional arrangements reflecting in-country conditions and mitigation obligations
3.1.2 Tracking tools refined and cross-cutting MRV established
Identify linkages between data collected under transparency-related activities and the national data-collection and data-sharing process to strengthen disaster risk-related information collection, production and dissemination
Make the relevant improvements/adjustments where needed and harmonize climate indicators to improve the quality of the data collected and increase the efficiency of data collection as well as gender and social inclusion desegregated data to the extent possible.
Develop recommendations on MRV for the national policy and planning documents
3.1.3 MRV system utilized for NDC tracking and reporting
MRV/NDC system reports provided to the GEF-CBIT Global Coordination Platform database to ensure effective project tracking
MRV/NDC system reports provided to UNFCCC reporting teams (National Communications and BURs)
System reports provided to SDG reporting teams
Produce progress reports on climate change activities and the NDCs for the Government
3.1.4 Gender-sensitive measurement and reporting established
Itemize issues arising through sex-disaggregated data collection and analysis for the national MRV and NDC tracking system
Assess the current state of gender responsive budgeting and provide recommendations on reporting
Document and disseminate gender-relevant best practices and lessons learned throughout the project cycle