Project Details


The CBIT project seeks to contribute to Ghana's agenda to institute an integrated domestic MRV system capable of efficiently delivering multiple MRV tasks (MRV of GHG, MRV of Actions, MRV of support, adaptation M&E and tracking of progress of NDC goals) as required by the Paris Agreement. The project will therefore aim to build on existing MRV of GHG structures expanding its scope to include additional MRV tasks in the NDCs as well as anchoring into the national M & E framework. Through the implementation of the CBIT project, Ghana will be in a better position to (a) plan and execute its NDCs regularly; (b) track progress of implementation of climate actions and support received, (c) track progress of achievement of NDC goals at a given time and (d) compile and report on implementation of NDCs in a transparent and sustainable manner.

Project Website
See in GEF website
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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
A) Domestic MRV system integrated to M&E framework established and in operation Yes No 0 Template developed, Sector and National Annual Progress Reports (APRs), etc.
B) Number of public and private organizations that have adopted and use MRV template to report progress of sector NDC actions 7 line ministries and 3 private organizations 0 0 Template developed, Sector and National Annual Progress Reports (APRs), etc.
1) Number of climate change indicators for tracking progress of NDC goals included in the national M&E result framework beinbg used by line ministries 5 0 0 Sector and National APRs Approved Indicators
2) Number of ministries/regulators piloting the full-package of MRV of GHG, Action and Support 2 Ministries and 1 Regulator 0 0 MRV Reports Contact Persons

Project Implementation


Output 1: An effective institutional arrangement to plan, implement and report climate action established.
1. An effective institutional arrangement to plan, implement and report climate actions established
Activity 1.0: CBIT Project Kick-off
Activity 1.1: Conduct initial assessment of all institutions involved in the G-CARP and related works will be compiled, and rated using the scale of 21, as defined in the GEF CBIT programming document
Activity 1.2: Review institutional roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders and streamline the coordination functions; expanding the scope and number of institutions involved in the MRV work
Activity 1.3: Organise tailor-made training programmes for fresh entrants into the list of national experts
Activity 1.4: Organise refreshers trainings for experienced national experts
Activity 1.5 Organize regular peer exchange programs for Ghanaian MRV experts
Activity 1.6 Review methodology for the preparation of energy, transport, agriculture and waste statistics
Activity 1.7 Organize focus-group discussion (FGD) with the key national data providers on ways to improve preparation and publication of the statistics
2. A centralized national infrastructure for improved data access and information management established
2.1 Establish functional & centralized data sharing network
2.2 Develop templates and guidance notes in five NDC sectors
2.3 Develop a verification manual for MRV of NDC Actions
3. Five climate change indicators mainstreamed into the medium-term framework (Yr. 2018-2022)
3.1 Develop indicators for NDC actions and incorporate into national M&E framework (APR) for long-term monitoring of sector-led climate actions
3.2 Develop specific input/output indicators for selected sector NDC actions and incorporate them into the NDPC result framework for the 2018-2022 planning cycle and beyond
3.3 Organize three workshops on the development of climate-specific indicators for NDC sectors and the assessment of NDC policy interventions
3.4 Organize two consultative meetings for planning and coordination for key stakeholders in the NDC sectors to promote its visibility; stocktaking of achievements and evaluation of progress
Output 4: Full version of domestic MRV tested/piloted in 3 selected NDC sectors
Activity 4.1: Test and pilot transparency measures in the Energy, Agriculture and Transport sectors.
Activity 4.2: Communicate key lessons and best practices from the implementation of the CBIT Project

Project Documents