Project Details


Project Objective: To strengthen the institutional and technical capacity of Uganda to respond to the enhanced transparency framework requirements of the Paris Agreement.

Uganda being a signatory to the Paris Agreement is required to provide necessary information to track progress towards implementing and achieving National Determined Contributions (NDCs) and reducing Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions in the key emitting sectors: Agriculture, Energy and Transport, Waste and Forestry. CBIT Phase II, is a follow-up and to build on the achievements and lessons learnt from CBIT I (GEF ID 9814), which laid the foundation for the formalization of GHG data and information-sharing process. CBIT Phase II aims to strengthen the institutional and technical capacity of Uganda to respond to the Enhanced Transparency Framework requirements of the Paris Agreement, in developing and reporting on the national GHG emissions. 

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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
Number of GHG data-sharing cooperation frameworks strengthened, legalized and operationalized to ensure active participation of state and non-state actors for improved transparency over time 5
Number of joint initiatives developed and implemented 2
Number of stakeholders (disaggregated by sex) from each GHG emission sector (AFOLU, Energy, Transport, IPPU, and Waste) collecting, processing, and feeding GHG data into the National GHGI 141
Number of ongoing transparency initiatives coordinating and sharing with the CBIT Uganda Project 1
Number of gender-sensitive M&E Reports submitted to CI-GEF

Project Implementation


Outcome 1.1. Strengthened state and non-state institutions to coordinate and manage the sectoral and national GHG Inventory system
Output 1.1.1: Functional GHG emission sector hub working groups (Energy, Waste, Agriculture, FOLU, IPPU and Transport) established - each with at least 40% women (that includes representatives from state and non-state actors)
Output 1.1.2.: Infrastructure/equipment/gadgets for MRV system and GHG data collection, processing, and interpretation purchased
Output 1.1.3.: Institutions and Individuals capacitated for actively coordinating and sharing GHG data for the functioning of the sectoral and national GHGI and MRV system (State and non-state actors (CSO/NGO, private sector, and academia), with at least 40% of the participants being women
Outcome 1.2: Strengthened collaboration and coordination between CCD and other sectors
Output 1.2.1: Enhanced coordination and collaboration between CCD and other sectors facilitated for improved transparency reporting
Output 1.2.2: MRV system operationalized through training and data collection on Climate actions (Adaptation, mitigation, SDGs and Support (Finance, Capacity building and Technology transfer)), of at least 30 trainees with at least 40% of the participants being women
Outcome 2.1: Strengthened technical capacity of stakeholders to collect, process, and analyze activity data and feed GHG sectoral data into the national GHGI (at least 40% women)
Output 2.1.1: Comprehensive and gender-responsive capacity needs assessment with recommendations for enhanced transparency reporting
Output 2.1.2: Gender sensitive tools (protocols, emission factors, technical guides) developed and implemented to support the Government in monitoring progress towards achieving the NDC targets and for monitoring companies and agencies in meeting their emission targets
Output 2.1.3: National and sub-national stakeholders (disaggregated by sex) from institutions working in the GHG emission sectors trained (to utilize the GHG equipment purchased by the project, collect activity data for GHG reporting, QA/QC, technical guides, emission factors - with at least 40% women)
Outcome 3.1: Strengthened coordination, learning, and sharing between the CBIT II Uganda project and ongoing transparency initiatives
Output 3.1.1: CBIT Uganda Focal Point facilitated to undertake his/her functions and responsibilities to plan, link and coordinate transparency activities
Output 3.1.2: Learning and exposure visits facilitated for selected stakeholders (e.g., COP, South-to-South exposure visits and attending the CBIT Global annual meeting)
Output 3.1.3: Gender responsive and inclusive knowledge management products generated, disseminated and uploaded to the Climate Transparency Platform managed under the CBIT Global Support Programme
Outcome 4.1: A gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluation framework for the project.
Output 4.1.1: Periodic M&E reports submitted to CI-GEF Agency
Output 4.1.2: Terminal Evaluation commissioned by CIGEF

Project Documents