Project Details

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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
Number of staff in relevant positions who are knowledgeabl e about ETF and related institutional responsibilities, ETF, data collection, analysis At least 20 0 0 Interview reports
Number of staff in relevant positions who participated in awareness raising events delivered by the project At least 75% of the core staff at MCVDD, MAEP, MIT and ME 0 0 Participants list of attendance
Availability of legal or other type of provisions defining ETFcompliant institutional arrangements Roadmap for the establish ment of institution al arrangem ents for the ETF No legal arrangement 0 Institutional/ legal provisions adopting the roadmap
Number of relevant institutions involved At least 4 0 0 Institutional/ legal provisions adopting the coordination mechanism
Number of best practices identified and shared At least 5 0 0 Best practices report uploaded on CBIT Benin project page of CBIT GCP
Number of improved procedures/pr ocesses At least 3 0 0 Project specific reports
Number of interconnected servers of the IMS At least 4 0 0 hardware and/or software purchase orders/contracts granted
Number of beneficiaries from capacity building activities developed by the project (disaggregated by gender) At least 75% of the core staff at MCVDD, MAEP, MIT and ME None 0 Training plan Workshop and training report
Number of staff with dem onstrated increased capa city At least 20 0 0 Mixed methodology: CD gaps & assessments; capacity survey
Number of emission factors developed 3 1 0 Workshop proceedings, papers submitted and/or published
Number of sectoral reports produced At least 3 0 0 Number of sectoral reports produced
Number of beneficiaries from capacity building activities developed by the project (disaggregated by gender) At least 75% of the core staff at MCVDD, MAEP, MIT and ME None 0 Training plan Workshop and training report
Number of M&E indicators developed/sel ected At least 5 0 0 Feedback from targeted ministries (MCVDD, MAEP, MIT and ME)
Number of staff trained on M&E framework At least 20 0 0 Monitoring and evaluation draft framework developed
Number of sectoral reports integrating ETF principles developed At least 3 0 0 National monitoring reports of NDC priority adaptation actions

Project Implementation


1.1 Institutional arrangements enhanced for coordinating information and data from the energy and AFOLU sectors into ETF processes and reports
1.1.1 Assessment prepared regarding institutional arrangements, data collection, analysis and reporting capacity gaps and needs for meeting ETF requirements with specific focus on the priority NDC actions for the energy and AFOLU sectors
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.1.2 Awareness raised amongst the energy and AFOLU sectors policy makers and practitioners on mainstreaming institutional arrangements in the ETF processes
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.1.3. A roadmap for achieving the ETF institutional arrangements for the energy and AFOLU sectors prepared and adopted
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.1.4 A sustainable multi-sectoral coordination mechanism strengthened integrating relevant institutions/ stakeholders into national UNFCCC reporting processes
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.2 Data and information collection, QA/QC processes and system infrastructure enhanced
1.2.1 Best practices on data and information acquisition and system infrastructure in the energy and AFOLU sectors collected and shared with other relevant priority sectors
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.2.2 Regular and systematic documentation and archiving procedures as well as quality assurance and quality control processes improved to ensure accuracy and sustainability of MRV and M&E systems in the energy and AFOLU sectors
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.2.3 Information management system and infrastructure for the energy and AFOLU sectors upgraded
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
2.1 Monitoring of NDC mitigation activities and reporting on inventories of greenhouse gases from the energy and AFOLU sectors strengthened
2.1.1. Technical capacity enhanced for relevant institutions to adopt and mainstream ETF-enhanced MRV Global Products and other international tools for monitoring, reporting and verifying the implementation of priority NDC mitigation activities from the energy and AFOLU sectors
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
2.1.2. Knowledge of methodologies to collect activity data increased and country-specific emission factors developed in the energy and AFOLU sectors
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
2.1.3. National/ sectoral reports prepared and submitted on inventory of greenhouse gases from the energy and AFOLU sectors consistent with latest UNFCCC reporting guidelines
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
3.1 Monitoring and evaluation of NDC priority adaptation actions in the energy and AFOLU sectors strengthened
3.1.1. Technical capacity enhanced in relevant institutions to adopt and mainstream ETF-enhanced M&E Global Products and other international tools for monitoring and evaluating NDC priority adaptation actions in the energy and AFOLU sectors
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
3.1.2. National/sectoral appropriate indicators and monitoring and evaluation framework developed for NDC priority adaptation actions in the energy and AFOLU sectors
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
3.1.3. National reports prepared on priority adaptation activities in the energy and AFOLU sectors consistent with the latest ETF available guidance
>to be provided upon approval of project document<

Project Documents