Project Details

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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
Number of institutions that are working in reporting together or at the same time to comply with integrated reporting 5 1 0 National Communications, Biennial Transparency Report, NIR
Improvement in quality of institutional capacity for transparency based on GEF score 1 to 4 as per Annex IV of CBIT programming directions 0
Interinstitutional arrangement created and in operation 1 0 0 CBIT Global Coordination Platform self-assessment tool
% of specialized trained staff who declares to be in a better position to implement MRV systems (gender disaggregated) 70% N/A 0 Training certificates, materials and guidelines
% of specialized trained staff who declares to be in a better position to track advances on the current NDC including support provided/received 70% N/A 0 A series of surveys to staff attending the trainings
Number of institutions using templates or guidelines to monitor mitigation actions included in the Dominican Republic NDC 3 0 0 NDC tracking national reports, by sector
Number of institutions that provided inputs to clarify NDC information 3 0 0 Synthesis from public consultation
Improvement in the quality MRV system based on GEF score 1 to 10 as per Annex III of CBIT programming directions 0

Project Implementation


1.1 Institutional arrangements, technical and technological capacities of line Ministries for mitigation data collection, monitoring, reporting, and verification are strengthened
1.1.1 Institutional long-term agreement with Academia signed
A1. Develop a mapping of stakeholders from academia institutions
A2. Deliverable: Report with mapping of stakeholders and proposal of an arrangement to organize the work between the Government with Academia Centres
A3. Draft and validate an agreement document
A4. Deliverable: Draft document of the agreement
A5. Deliverable: Report of the validation workshop with key stakeholders from the academia and relevant sectors
and Validated/Adjusted Draft
A6. Develop a medium-term work plan for training the trainers (professors and researchers in Academia) in international transparency processes via partnerships with international organizations
A7. Deliverable: Workplan of the medium - term capacity building for training the trainers
A8. Assess possible finance mechanisms to secure the economic sustainability of capacity building activities
A9. Deliverable: Report with opportunities of financing capacity-building activities
1.1.2 Training on mitigation standardized data collection, monitoring, reporting, and verification provided to line Ministries and Academia
B1. Formulate a detailed Capacity Needs Assessment in transparency related climate change topics
B2. Deliverable: Capacity needs assessment in terms of training activities useful for the country stakeholders and proposal of an integrated Training Programme Scheme for stakeholders
B3. Deliverable: Training Materials ready to be reproduced in hard and digital presentations, ready to be made available to users through web on-line platforms
B4. Implement the Training Programme Scheme
B5. Deliverable: Document with a programme of training activities for implementation
B6. Deliverable: Report of Training activities implemented including summary of results and global assessment of its implementation
1.1.3 Country specific emissions factors and activity data for energy, transport and industry sector developed and
made available to Government institutions
C1. Design and implement a Transport Model for calculation of GHG emissions from On-Road Vehicles and build Long-Term Scenarios for the Transport Sector, including training
C2. Deliverable: A calculation tool for estimation of Transport GHG emissions at national and city level in operation and applied to 3 cities, including a database for on-road transport activity data (fuel consumptions and vehicle specifications)
C3. Deliverable: Report with results of an assessment of mitigation scenarios for the Transport Sector in the country, at different timescales, up to 2050, to propose targets and pathways of emissions for this sector
C4. Deliverable: Report with results of a training for Government officials on the use of the Transport Modelling
C5. Develop and implement a proposal to upgrade to Tier2 Approach the GHG data associated with the Cement industry in the country (IPPU Sector of the 2006 IPCC Methodology to prepare GHG National Inventories)
C6. Deliverable: Report with a technical proposal to upgrade to Tier 2 approach the calculations of GHG emissions of the local Cement Industry
C7. Deliverable: Report with results of the implementation in the Dominican Republic of the proposal presented under the previous Deliverable, and results from the validation process
1.1.4 Experience and knowledge transfer provided and disseminated to country government staff through peer exchange activities
D1. Attend international conferences and workshops linked to the Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement
D2. Deliverable: Report of conferences and workshops attended yearly
D3. Attend South-South peer exchange workshops, one per year, related to Latin American Networks
D4. Deliverable: Report of participation in South-South activities
D5. Share knowledge and attend exchange activities through the CBIT Global Coordination Platform
D6. Deliverable: Report of results of sharing of early ideas and solving of questions among a group of peers through the CBIT Global Coordination Platform and of Workshops attended and participation in exchange activities under the CBIT Global Coordination Platform
2.1 Dominican Republic is able to track and update their NDC through a participatory process
2.1.1 Legal instrument signed to coordinate information flows for clarifying NDC information and tracking NDC progress
E1. Gather technical materials for preparing legal framework
E2. Deliverable: Report with the technical elements to produce the legal instrument to coordinate information flows for clarifying NDC information and tracking NDC progress, and proposal for a pilot implementation
E3. Conduct pilot testing at sectoral level, including the use of a simple GHG data management tool
E4. Deliverable: A simple computing tool for management and storage of GHG related data at internal level for an integrated compilation, storage and management of the GHG data of the country on a regular basis to help to develop the testing at sectoral level
E5. Deliverable: Report with results of the pilot testing
E6. Deliverable: Final proposal of contents of technical elements to produce a legal instrument to coordinate information flows for clarifying NDC information and tracking NDC progress
E7. Develop proposal of legal instrument signed to coordinate information flows for clarifying NDC
information and tracking NDC progress
E8. Deliverable: Draft of legal instrument with the proposal instrument signed to operationalize the coordination of information flows for clarifying NDC information and tracking NDC progress
2.1.2 Templates and guidelines to monitor the progress of the mitigation actions towards the achievement of the NDCs in the prioritized sectors developed and related training to line Ministries and Academia provided
F1. Develop standardized MRV guidelines and reporting templates for NDC tracking in key sectors
F2. Deliverable: Draft of Guidelines and associated templates for MRV for NDC tracking in key sectors
F3. Deliverable: Report of workshop for validation of guidelines with relevant final sectorial users
F4. Deliverable: Report with results of the sectoral pilots developed and Final version of Guidelines and associated templates for MRV for NDC tracking in key sectors
F5. Provide training on the application of the guidelines and templates, for technical personnel of each sector, in charge of data collection and management, QA/QC, reporting and verification
F6. Deliverable: Training materials including 3 Workshops and 6 Webinars implemented during the project and corresponding reports
2.1.2 Synthesis from public consultation is provided to clarify NDC information and to track NDC progress
G1. Conduct a participatory process to thoughtfully clarify the information on the NDCs and the DECC in the forestry, agriculture, energy, and transport sectors
G2. Deliverable: Proposal of public consultation process
G3. Deliverable: Reports of workshops/consultation sessions
G4. Deliverable: 3-Month partial reports of advances
G5. Deliverable: Final report with summary of results
G6. Organize a gender responsive related workshop on a topic relevant in terms of transparency
G7. Deliverable: Report of workshop on Gender responsive and transparency Final report with summary of results

Project Documents