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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
Degree to which capacities have been strengthened among the interinstitutional technical team (MARENA, INTA, INAFOR, INETER, MEFCCA) 3 0 0 Progress reports on the implementation of PNMACC
Number of direct beneficiaries, broken down by gender, as an additional benefit of the GEF investment. 200 (100 men 100 women) 0 0 Reports on participation of the interinstitutional technical team in training
Increase in participation by institutions and their staff (gender balance) in the preparation of country reports, according to ETF MPGs (1 to 4) 3 2 0 Report on the participation of the interinstitutional team, broken by gender
Number of women and men on the interinstituional team to strengthen their capacities to comply with ETF requirements 50 0 0 Certificates awarded and / or records kept of training of Project activities
Number of evaluation, monitoring surveillance plans regarding GHG emissions in the agricultural and forestry sectors implemented 2 1 0 Aide-memoirs from the MRV Table and reports issued on agricultural and forestry
Number of institutions that make up the Forest MRV Table and increase their capacities to use tools and guidelines for national forest monitoring 10 0 0 Certificates awarded and / or records kept of training
Number of bulletins published on the subjects of good practices, experiences and lessons learnt in matters of mitigation and adaptation to climate cha 6 0 0 Bulletins published on the SINIA website and linked to international platforms

Project Implementation


1.1 Strengthened institutional capacities with respect to the requirements of the ETF for the implementation of the mandates of National Human Development Program and the guidelines of the Policy on Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Agriculture and Forestry sectors
1.1.1 Consolidated the national coordination platform integrated by the inter-institutional team of the National System of Production Consumption and Trade to follow up, evaluate strategies and accompany policy proposals in accordance with the requirements of the ETF
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
1.1.2 Training program for the inter-institutional team for decision making related to integrate knowledge of national processes in accordance with ETF requirements designed and implemented
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
1.1.3 Exchange program and capture of experiences directed to the inter-institutional working group with platforms and international centers of research linked to the MRV of emissions according to the ETF for the agricultural and forestry sectors designed and implemented
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
1.1.4 Strengthened the capacities of the inter-institutional team of INTA, MARENA, INAFOR, and INETER in charge of the M&E of the adaptation actions of teh agricultural and forestry sectors
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
1.1.5 A national methodological process (roadmap) for monitoring and reporting according to the ETF established by the inter-institutional coordination body
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
2.1 Technical capacities for the monitoring, quantification and analysis of data necessary for the generation of greenhouse gas (GHG) reports, and monitoring and evaluation in prioritized sectors strengthened.
2.1.1. National plan of mitigation, evaluation, monitoring and surveillance of GHG emissions for the agricultural and forestry sectors, under the coordination of INTA, designed.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
2.1.2. INAFOR capacities strengthened in the use of tools (e.g. remote sensing technologies, mobile applications and forest monitoring guidelines) for national forest monitoring, which contributes to the updating of the national forest inventory and the quantification of GHG emissions
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
2.1.3 INTA capacities strengthened with specialized technical and methodological tools to determine the emissions factors in the agriculture and livestock sector and formulate allometric equations for the forests sector, which will support the generation of reports according to the ETF
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
2.1.4 Methodologies for the adequacy and application of adaptation actions in the agricultural and forestry sectors identified.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
3.1 Education, awareness and human and institutional capacity in relation to the mitigation of climate change, reduction of emissions and their effects on prioritized sectors improved.
3.1 Lessons learned and knowledge exchange achieved in the agricultural and forestry sectors shared at national and international platforms
(e.g. CBIT Global Coordination Platform) to improve programming and reporting in accordance with ETF requirements.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
3.2 Awareness and dissemination plan on the use of best climate change adaptation and mitigation practices, within the ETF, aimed at publicofficials, universities and agricultural and forestry producers, designed and implemented.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)

Project Documents