Project Details


This CBIT project aims to strengthen the transparency systems of Ecuador in order to meet the requirements of the transparency framework (ETF) under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. In doing so, the country is expected to streamline the collection, management, processing, and production of high-quality climate information for the purpose of international reporting. In addition, climate information will be used as an important decision-making tool at the national and sub-national level.

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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
Quality of MRV Systems 6 0 For this indicator, progress will be monitored in the processes of measurement, reporting, and verification of the 4 requested thematic areas of information to have a robust ETF.
Qualitative assessment of institutional capacity for transparency-related activities 3 0 The current situation of uncertainty in Ecuador, we´re going to continue reviewing it to define if it is realistic to achieve the indicator by the end of the project.
Number of sectors covered by the NCCR % of data collection plan covered within existing data sharing agreements 4 1 The CBIT project will start by working with the Energy sector and USCUSS with complementary actions to establish the institutional arrangements, and as the required information is identified, the following sectors to work with will be defined.
Number of fully functional and operational gender-responsive modules within the National Climate Change Registry 3 0 The operationalization of the modules will take place in the second half of 2024.Until the delivery of this report, the gender action plan of the project has been developed, which will guide the inclusion of the gender perspective in the NCCR modules.
Number of students enrolled in syllabus enhanced or created to include climate change and transparency topics relevant to the NCCR in the selected Higher Education Institutions (HEI) 420 (disaggregated by gender) 0 The project has designed templates to be used in workshops, meetings, events, and training sessions that allow for gender disaggregation; these will serve as verifiable for this indicator.
Number of academics who successfully passed a technical examination on climate transparency 20 (disaggregated by gender) 0 The project has designed templates to be used in workshops, meetings, events, and training sessions that allow for gender disaggregation; these will serve as verifiable for this indicator.
Direct project beneficiaries disaggregated by gender (individual) 770 beneficiaries (50% are women) 0 The project has designed templates to be used in workshops, meetings, events, and training sessions that allow for gender disaggregation; these will serve as verifiable for this indicator.

Project Implementation


1.1 MAATE manages a fully operational National Climate Change Registry
1.1.1. Analysis report of Latin American countries concerning their transparency architecture and approach to climate transparency (benchmarking and case studies)
1.1.2. Detailed assessment report of the design of the NCCR developed under the GCF readiness, including responsible authorities, mission, functions, and its interconnection with other systems.
1.1.3. Report mapping which component(s) will provide which piece of information to each report to the Convention (NC, BTR, updated NDC) and will serve for tracking the implementation of the NDC as well as monitoring the NAP, the long-term strategy of decarbonization 2050 and the climate finance flows.
1.1.4. Detailed Data Collection Plan by module, including all the information required to run the system, assessment of templates required for collection, and mapping the entity / sector / government level providing the data, and their current status (e.g., periodically received, occasionally received, rarely received, needed but not received, etc.)
1.1.5. Design of information flows for the data collection plan, per sector, type, and origin of the information
1.1.6. Inventory of processes required for the operation of the NCCR
1.1.7. Improvement plan for the current processes involved in the operation of the NCCR
1.1.8. Process manual for the operation of the NCCR
1.1.9. Report presenting considerations for designing a gender-responsive NCCR: information required to be able to capture gender inequality in Ecuador’s climate actions as well as design elements concerning the system’s outputs.
1.1.10. Report: lessons learned from the GCF readiness pilot test, difficulties encountered, mitigation actions, proposed instruments for formalization of collaboration opportunities, technical synergies, and potential partners for the
1.1.11. Report specifying the necessary resources for the sustainability of the system (human and physical assets, including hardware and software and databases maintenance, management and updates, source codes, licenses, design documents as applicable).
1.1.12. Report: results from the quality and testing phase for the entire system
1.1.13. Roadmap for the full operationalization and further improvement of the NCCR.
1.1.14. Report: Cost estimates and means to finance the full operation of the NCCR in the long term.
1.1.15. National Workshop for the validation of the NCCR to stakeholders.
1.1.16. V2.0 of the NCCR
1.1.17. Report for the prioritized information required by sector and institutions for GHG inventory compilation, mitigation actions and adaptation measures monitoring and evaluation and climate finance flows tracking.
1.1.18. Draft Ministerial Resolution setting sectoral arrangements for the collection of information in the GHG inventory sectors and prioritized NDC mitigation and adaptation sectors.
1.1.19. Template(s), technical specifications and draft(s) for Data Sharing Agreements and/or Memorandum of Understanding with sectoral institutions at the national level and procedures for reporting to MAATE and the NCCR.
1.1.20. Prioritize the inventory of information available at the DAG level (parishes, provincial, municipal)
1.1.21. Template Memorandum of Understanding and Data Sharing Agreement with municipal, parishes, and provincial DAGs
1.1.22. Lessons learned from the participation in the CBIT Global Coordination Platform
1.1.23. Roadmap for the implementation and adoption of sub-national level institutional arrangements
Outcome 1.2: MAATE is able to incorporate climate data into national planning processes and instruments in articulation with national planning entities
1.2.1. Identification and assessment of regional and international best practices for the integration of transparency systems into the national planning processes and long-term planning.
1.2.2. Proposal of institutional arrangements and capacity building needs to align national planning processes with the NPTD and the NDC updating and implementation processes
1.2.3. Inter-ministerial workshop for the validation of the integration of the climate transparency system with existing national planning processes.
1.2.4. Eight (8) capacity building workshops to align national planning processes with the NPTD and the NDC updating and implementation processes.
Output 2.1: MAATE has access and manages tools for increasing the accuracy and precision of the mitigation module of the NCCR
2.1.1. Report: Baseline and current status of the emission factors and activity data of the prioritized subsectors and in-depth gaps assessment of current reporting according with the MPGs of the ETF of the Paris Agreement.
2.1.2. Proposals for improvement of GHG inventory compilation, considering the needs of NGHGIS
2.1.3. Mechanisms and a roadmap to enhance Activity Data availability and Emission Factors for key categories.
2.1.4. Detailed roadmap and strategy for the generation and collection of pending activity data for all categories and the implementation of the improvement plan.
2.1.5. Sectoral guidelines for the estimation of baseline emissions, project emissions, leakage emissions and net emission reductions (volume comprised of five sets of guidelines, i.e., one for each sector - energy, industry, agriculture, LULUCF and waste with a common chapter on methodologies to monitor mitigation actions).
2.1.6. Guidelines for the collection, compilation, processing and reporting of mitigation actions (mitigation potential assessment methodologies and templates for energy, industry, agriculture, LULUCF and waste).
2.1.7. Six (6) capacity building workshops (2-3 days duration each) for the use of the guidelines for projections and mitigation potential estimation and the collection, compilation, processing and reporting of mitigation actions and test of the relevant templates (energy, industry and product use, agriculture, LULUCF and waste).
2.1.8. Document with respective methodological descriptions for each progress indicator for the tracking of the NDC.
2.1.9. Methodology to ensure consistency between mitigation actions and GHG inventories,
2.1.10. Templates and guidelines for the monitoring and tracking of the NDC and the National Climate Change Strategy.
2.1.11. Roadmap prioritizing processes, tools, protocols, and guides to be adjusted/improved/updated to comply with the ETF requirements for tracking NDC and support received, both during the CBIT project and after its finalization.
2.1.12. Four (4) capacity-building workshops of 2-3 days duration each for the use of tools, protocols, and guidelines for monitoring and tracking the mitigation component of the NDC.
Output 2.2: MAATE has access and manages processes, information flows, indicators, and methodologies for operationalizing the adaptation module of the NCCR
2.2.1. Proposal for the integration of indicators in the National Adaptation Plan and domestic processes into the NCCR, including information flows and a methodology for the collection, processing and presenting of each indicator.
2.2.2. Draft Ministerial Resolution setting sectoral roundtables, including representatives from the DAGs, for exchanging periodically up to date information on adaptation and vulnerability.
2.2.3. Manual including existing, revised, and new tools, protocols and guides for the compilation of required indicators in the adaptation module, including a roadmap with required refinements.
2.2.4. Linkage between the existing S-PRACC platform on adaptation information and the NCCR for the tracking of adaptation measures and visualization of georeferenced up to date information on risk, vulnerability, exposure, and hazard.
2.2.5. Four (4) capacity building workshops for the use of tools, protocols, and guidelines for monitoring and tracking the adaptation component of the NDC.
Output 2.3: MAATE has access to a roadmap and guidelines for the operationalization of the means of implementation module of the NCCR
2.3.1. Roadmap prioritizing processes, tools, protocols and guides to be adjusted/improved/updated for the completion of the Means of Implementation Module. The roadmap should cover both the CBIT project timespan as well as a suggestion for the NCCR as a standalone system.
2.3.2. Proposal on climate finance tracking. This proposal should include a methodology for the tracking of public, private, national and international flows, as well as procedures for the collection of information and indicators that allow tracking support received and needed.
2.3.3. Methodology for the tracking of capacity building and technology transfer needed and received, including the linkage with the mitigation and adaptation components.
2.3.4. Three (3) capacity building workshops on tracking and reporting on climate finance flows.
Output 3.1: Stakeholders demonstrate increased awareness of the work, benefits, and impact of the NCCR as a result of gender-sensitive public engagement
3.1.1. Updated mapping of stakeholders by sector and role (data providers, data verifiers, governmental entities, accreditation bodies, technical experts, NGOs, trade associations, consumer associations, academia and research institutions)
3.1.2. Communications and Engagement Plan per type of stakeholder, including editable pieces of communication and materials of the plan. This should include a working plan during the CBIT project and a suggested plan for the NCCR after the end of the project.
3.1.3. Annual report on communication and engagement activities (as per workplan in 3.1.2)
3.1.4. Four (4) capacity building workshop for data providers and data verifiers
3.1.5. Gender communication and engagement strategy
3.1.6. Gender action plan: workplan of activities & deliverables
3.1.7. Report: implementation of gender action plan and gender communication and engagement strategy
Output 3.2: Stakeholders demonstrate strengthened understanding of the NCCR following a long-term capacity building programme and a repository of climate change information
3.2.1. Terms of reference and other tender documents required to start the call for proposals to select the HEI
3.2.2. Proposals received for the tender process, including report justifying selection of the chosen proposal for continuous capacity building actions for the National Climate Change Registry and its components
3.2.3. MoU signed with selected HEI, including workplan for CBIT projects’ support for the preparation of the HEI’s Institutional Strategy for the incorporation of climate change and climate transparency education
3.2.4. Training module and learning materials for the local HEI: GHG inventories and NDC tracking
3.2.5. Training module and learning materials for the local HEI: adaptation
3.2.6. Training module and learning materials for the local HEI: means of implementation
3.2.7. Progress reports (3) from the HEI to the project team
3.2.8. HEI’s Institutional Strategy for the incorporation of continuous climate change and climate transparency education, including a 5-year workplan for its materialization, and identification of required resources.
3.2.9. Conceptual design for the observatory of adaptation and climate information.
3.2.10. MoU signed with NIMH and at least one university and one international meteorological institution.
3.2.11. Platform for the Repository of Climate Information (in coordination with NIMH and/or the selected HEI).

Project Documents