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Project Details
Project Website
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Location: Online
Project Indicators
Indicator | Target | Baseline | Value | Source of verification |
A: GEF-7 Tracking Tool Indicator: Objective Indicator 1: Number of direct project beneficiaries (of that group women) | 300 | 150 | 0 | Registration lists for webinars, trainings, and in-persons gatherings. |
B: % of the users surveyed who consider the platform (website, its features, and knowledge products) very useful or useful for their purposes | 70% | 0% | 0 | Pop-up survey conducted on the streamlined website. |
C:Knowledge demand / uptake: i.e., number of countries and practitioners using the platform’s services and knowledge products every quarter (average) | 60 stakeholders use the platform’s services every quarter (on average). | 40 stakeholders | 0 | Website analytics |
D: # of developing countries who have shared their lessons through project activities. | Experiences from more than 60 developing country beneficiaries | 40 | 0 | Participation lists of workshops, list of countries with updated profiles. |
E: Number of developing countries sharing good practice in gender mainstreaming on the streamlined platform. | Good practice in gender mainstreaming from at least 15 developing countries. | 0 | 0 | The CBIT-GSP Platform. |
Project Implementation
Streamlined development and delivery of knowledge in support of Article 13
Existing CBIT and GSP platforms merged and redesigned into an integrated web platform
1.1.1. Conduct requirements elicitation, including focus groups or surveys with different user groups and analyze usage patterns (disaggregated by gender).
1.1.2. Review and analyze existing, relevant climate change information portals and user traffic on the two current websites and propose a re-branding strategy, including a new logo, for the unified website
1.1.3. Design integrated website, evolving the existing features and the additional features, and conduct a usability study and beta testing at the prototype stage
1.1.4 Program the integrated platform, including search engine optimization
1.1.5 Conduct functional, performance, and integration tests on the integrated platform
1.1.6 Develop and implement a website maintenance plan, including continuous software updates, data privacy and data security issues, regular backups, code repository and software version controls
1.1.7 Develop and implement a communications/re-branding strategy to inform users and potential users about the merge and publicize the launch of the integrated website
1.1.8 Survey users periodically after the website becomes operational and incorporate their feedback into the site design and features
1.2 Platform content and features maintained and updated regularly
1.2.1 Develop a knowledge management workplan for regular content creation, maintenance, and curation on the integrated platform, including the progress reporting tool for participating CBIT countries
1.2.2. Maintain and update the technical content of the website, including search engine optimization. Until the integrated website is launched, maintain and update the technical content of the GCP.
1.2.3. Track and analyze country queries, downloads, etc. in order to inform future content, on the integrated platform and on the Global Coordination Platform.
1.2.4. Facilitate online peer learning through existing and new features on the integrated platform and on the Global Coordination Platform.
1.2.5. Track platform engagement by gender where possible on the integrated platform and on the Global Coordination Platform.
1.3. Paris Rulebook knowledge products including training modules updated, developed, and customized
1.3.1. Survey existing awareness-raising and training materials related to the Paris Rulebook to identify needs
1.3.2. Develop a work plan for producing new reports and training modules on emerging issues (enhanced transparency frameworks and the Paris rulebook, gender mainstreaming) and updates of existing handbooks and associated training modules on climate change MRV, including a plan for translation.
1.3.3. Refine the CBIT Phase I self-assessment tool
1.3.3. Integrate good-practice templates and successful approaches to reporting issues from participating countries into training materials and other knowledge products (webinars, audio briefings, web content, etc.)
2. Global stakeholder outreach and dissemination of best practices
2.1. Annual stocktaking of progress, capacity needs, and support to all non-Annex I countries provided
2.1.1. Organize three annual global stocktaking meetings , including the selection of topics and participants and encouraging representation and active involvement by women participants
2.1.2. Disseminate findings and materials shared at the meetings and workshops through various communication channels, including the integrated web platform
2.2. COP side events and outreach efforts conducted to disseminate results
2.2.1. Organize at least three side events for upcoming COPs and subsidiary body (SB) meetings and/or regional climate weeks, including the selection of topics and participants and encouraging representation and active involvement by women participants
2.2.2. Provide logistical support for the side events
2.2.3. Disseminate meeting summaries through various communication channels, including the integrated web platform
2.3. Coordindation among support providers facilitated
2.3.1. Organize at least one coordination meeting per year for support providers to map current activities and to identify regions and sub-regions that are in need of assistance and potential areas for combined service delivery
2.3.2. Conduct a dialogue with support providers to determine ways to leverage their activities for the regional climate transparency networks that have been supported under the GSP to date
2.4.1. Provide and coordinate reviews of national reports and supporting documentation by gender experts in response to country requests
2.4.2. Provide an updated toolkit on integrating the UNFCCC Gender Action Plan into national transparency frameworks that will build upon the current GSP toolkit (Gender Responsive National Communications and BURs)
2.4.3. Conduct four regional workshops on integrating gender analysis and the UNFCCC Gender Action Plan into national reporting and transparency
2.4.4. Collect and analyse country reporting with regards to gender mainstreaming and integration of the Gender Action Plan in support of the annual stocktaking under Output 2.1