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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
Improvement in the quality MRV system based on GEF score 1 to 10 as per Annex III of CBIT programming directions) Score 8(Strong standardized measurements processes established for key indicators and mainstreamed into institutional policy implementation; reporting is widely available in multiple formats) Score 4(Measurement systems are strong in a limited set of activities however, analyses still need improvement) Score 6(Measurement systems are strong and cover a greater percentage of activities – feedback loops exist even if they are not fully functioning; reporting is available through multiple pathways and formats but may not be complete/transparent) BTR,BUR,NDC
Number of direct beneficiaries disaggregated by gender as co-benefit of GEF investment (gender disaggregated) 100 direct beneficiaries (Women: 50 Men: 50) 0 direct beneficiaries 0 direct beneficiaries Project reports and capacity building attendance lists
Improvement in the quality of institutional capacity for transparency based on GEF score 1 to 4 as per Annex IV of CBIT programming directions 4 (Quality of institutional on GEF Score 1 to 4) 2 (Quality of institutional on GEF Score 1 to 4) 2 (Quality of institutional on GEF Score 1 to 4) Ratings are based on indicators 2-4 below.
Percentage of sub-systems in the Climate Change Module that have institutional arrangements in place. 100% all four sub-systems have institutional arrangements 25% The GHG inventories sub-system has existing institutional arrangements for the collection of data. 25% The GHG inventories sub-system has existing institutional arrangements for the collection of data. Government documents
Percentage of TIER2 emission factors for the AFOLU, energy, IPPU and waste sectors of the national GHG inventory. 50% Based on a prioritizing within the sectors 0% 25% Based on a prioritizing within the sectors Government documents
Minimum number of new tools (indicators, protocols and templates) made available to MADES in each of the following modules: a) mitigation/NDC tracking; b)support needed and received; c) adaptation 08 Including at least one gender tool for each of these modules. 0 0 Government documents
Capacity building mechanism for the transparency system is established 01 Capacity building mechanism for the transparency system is established 0 0 Government documents
Mechanism is proposed for adoption. 01 Mechanism is proposed for adoption by the relevant ministries. 0 0 Government documents

Project Implementation


MRV systems in Paraguay comply with the Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
1. Institutional arrangements strengthened and consolidated to coordinate and manage transparency activities
1.1. Elaborate and support the implementation of a roadmap to strengthen and improve the institutional arrangements for the national GHG inventory
1.2. Develop institutional agreements for the integrated NDC Monitoring System
2. Technical support, training and tools provided to Paraguay to submit transparent, consistent, comparable, complete and accurate GHG inventories
2.1. Elevate Emission Factors to at least tier 2 level for some of the key categories
2.2. Improve the collection of activity data
3. Technical support, training and tools developed and provided to Paraguay to track the implementation of its NDC and support received
3.1. Develop indicators for monitoring the progress of the NDC
3.2. Develop tools, guidelines and protocols for the relevant institutions
3.3. Conceptualize, design and pilot the Climate Change Module to ensure the management of information required to track the progress of its NDC
3.4 Establish a National Capacity Building System for all matters related to Climate Transparency
3.5. Participate in a South-to-South Peer Exchange programme for Climate Transparency.
3.6. Propose mechanism to link existing national planning processes with the generated information

Project Documents