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Project Implementation


1.1. Equatorial Guinea has enhanced institutional capacities to coordinate, collect and report data and knowledge for the AFOLU sector
1.1.1 A report containing a coordination mechanism and institutional arrangements to integrate and plan transparencyrelated activities in the AFOLU sector is prepared
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.1.2 Equatorial Guinea's MRV action plan for REDD+ is updated according to the new knowledge and institutional arrangements to respond to the ETF
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.1.3 Government personnel, in specic national correspondents responsible for international reporting, is trained on different international reporting processes (GHG inventory/ Forest Reference Level to the UNFCCC and FAO-FRA) and consistency requirements
>to be provided upon approval of project document<>to be provided upon approval of project document<
2.1 Equatorial Guinea has the technical capacity and improved data and information to regularly report transparent, accurate and consistent data for the AFOLU sector
2.1.1 A report is developed containing national data for different land use classes collected and analyzed
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
2.1.2 A land classification system and a land use/cover map is developed
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
2.1.3 A report is developed containing country-specific emission factors for different land classes in order to support estimates of carbon stocks
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
2.1.4 Government personnel and key actors (e.g. from university) with a role in national capacity development (i.e. train-the-trainers) is trained on data collection consistent with MRV requirements as outlined by IPCC and additional relevant guidance like GFOI, GOFCGOLD
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
3.1 Equatorial Guinea has enhanced technical capacity in the AFOLU sector to report emissions and removals in compliance with transparencyrelated requirements achieved
3.1.1 An archiving and dissemination system is developed for documentation, data and products for the AFOLU sector and to support the preparation of the national greenhouse gas (GHG)
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
3.1.2 A South-South cooperation and exchange meeting is organized on ETF experiences, the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, and national GHG inventories and projections of emissions/removals for the AFOLU sector
>to be provided upon approval of project document<

Project Documents