Project Details

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Location: Antanarivo

Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
IRRF 1.4.2 - Extent to which implementation of comprehensive measures to achieve low-emissions and climate-resilient development objectives improve 4 3 0 Not specified
Direct project beneficiaries disaggregated by gender 200 of whom 40% are women 100 (20% women) 0 Not available at this stage
Institutions that increased their capacities to meet the PA ETF 30 6 0 Not available at this stage
The integrated domestic MRV system is established Yes No 0 Not available at this stage
The NDC Governance framework is institutionalized Yes No 0 Not available at this stage
# of promulgated regulations regarding transparency 1 0 0 Not available at this stage
# of events to share lessons learned or feedbacks on the regional or international level 4 0 0 Not available at this stage
# of climate change governance frameworks institutionalized at subnational framework 2 0 0 Not available at this stage
# GHG inventories produced by the empowered sectoral experts (reference year) 6 (2018, 2020) 3 (2010, 2012, 2014) 0 Not available at this stage
# of on-line data platforms improving activity data management in GHG sectors 1 0 0 Not available at this stage
# of developed country specific EF et RF 4 0 0 Not available at this stage
# of on-line data platforms serving the GHG-NIS 1 0 0 Not available at this stage
# Methodologies and user-friendly planning tools developed and tested for NDC sectors (energy, AFOLU, Waste…). 3 1 0 Not available at this stage
# of guidance and tools developed to monitor and report GHG mitigation actions 5 0 0 Not available at this stage
# of developed guidelines and data collection templates to monitor support 3 0 0 Not available at this stage

Project Implementation

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Project Documents