Project Details


The Government of Ethiopia (GoE) is a party to UNFCCC and is required to report all its GHG emissions and reduction efforts periodically as per the Paris Agreement and requirement. Incidentally, the Paris Agreement calls for Transparency in reporting for the GHG emissions to track both the emissions and the efforts given to the developing countries. Whilst the country is committed to global efforts of reducing GHG emissions through its Climate Resilient Green Economy, the country lacks the proper technical and institutional capacity to adhere to the Paris Agreement Frameworks. This challenge will inhibit the country to benefits from the financial and technological flows which have been identified as critical to the attainment of the country’s ambitious target of middle income by 2025. 

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Project Indicators

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Project Implementation


1.1 Strengthened institutional capacity for transparency-related activities
1.1.1 A permanent inter-ministerial body for high-level leadership and planning support instituted for periodic NDC update in meeting Multilateral Agreements
a well-functioning permanent inter-ministerial body established. project supports the existence of a permanent inter-ministerial body that oversees the implementation of the country’s CRGE. As result of these project actions the government has been able to updated the NDC and its implementation.
1.1.2 Clearly defined roles and tasks of stakeholders for the implementation of the transparency requirements
A well-functioning steering committee established. These 11 institutions conform the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE).The CRGE strategy is coordinated and strengthen by the project.
1.1.3 National system for GHG emission inventory, and functional GHG database and information system established
A functional GHG inventory database system is completed in partnership with the EU project and it is in process to be operationalized. The CBIT project has provided Training of Trainers and data coding on the MRV database system for MRV and Information Communication Technology Staff of EPA.
2.1 Strengthened technical capacity for transparency-related activities, including tracking of progress towards attaining
2.1.1 Guidelines on the formulation of GHG mitigation policy measures
1 Set of guideline developed, on waste management (landfill), Biofuel and Railway transit. One guideline on the formulation of mitigation policy measures developed with the purpose of a Guidance and skill development road-map for experts in the stated sectors
2.1.2 Methods to quantify and integrate support needs into the public budget system and report on effective utilization of the support received
The CBIT project is closely working with the Ministry of Finance and a discussion on how to develop a guideline detailing processes and steps for integrating supports needs into budgets processes and steps for integrating supports needs into budgets.
2.1.3 Experts, in key sectoral ministries, regional states and city administrations, fully conversant on the transparency
581 experts trained (443 Male and 138 Female) Local capacity built on the use of the 2006 IPCC guidelines for the preparation of the GHG inventory, Paris agreement and its transparency framework.
2.1.4 Data collection widened and improved to sustain the use of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines
Data collection is widened and GHG database & information system will also facilitate the storage of key documentation and data, data sources, methods, assumptions used.
2.1.5 Training on the use of 2006 IPCC Guidelines at relevant Ministries and universities carried out
581 experts trained (443 Male and 138 Female) Local capacity built on the use of the 2006 IPCC guidelines for the preparation of the GHG inventory, Paris agreement and its transparency framework.
2.1.6 National universities engaged to support the Competent Authority in establishing QA/QC procedures and uncertainty analysis of the GHG inventory
2 Universities, Addis Ababa University and Wondogenet College of Forestry engaged to support the Federal and Regional Environmental Protection Authority in the development of a national greenhouse gas inventories, accounting and reporting (GHG) mitigation actions. CBIT project developed a QA/QC Plan

Project Documents