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Project Details
The project aimed to develop Peru's institutional and human capacities to meet the reporting requirements of the enhanced transparency framework of the Paris Agreement. The main impacts of the project include the determination of specific emission factors for enteric fermentation, this information is used to improve the quality of the national GHG emissions inventory and to optimize the planning of the agricultural sector. Also supported the development of a prototype of M&E Operational Model for adaptation to climate change in health, updated Health Sector measures to combat climate change and supported the creation of a Health and Climate Change Observatory.
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Project Indicators
Indicator | Target | Baseline | Value | Source of verification |
Number of Sectoral Authorities that have strengthened their capacities to report information of the implementation for NDC | 4 Sectoral authorities (Agriculture, Health, Economy and Finance, Environment) | 1 | 4 | Reports from the DGCCD, INGEI, BUR, NCs, NDC |
Percentage of persons trained that are women | 50% | - | 56% | Attendees lists for all trainings |
Number of competent entities from INFOCARBONO that use information on GHG emissions to prioritize measures for the NDC | At least 4 | 0 | 22 | Project monitoring reports, interviews, systematization reports |
Number of thematic areas with technical capabilities in systematizing information to implement the NDC in the component of adaptation | 1 | 0 | 1 | Project monitoring reports, systematization reports of executed activities |
Percentage of indicators with operational Technical Sheets elaborated | At least 80% of the defined indicators | 0 | 100% | Document with elaborated forms |
Number of Sectoral and Regional Authorities with information for reporting on public expenses in adaptation and mitigation | 4 sectoral and 2 regional authorities | 0 | 4 sectoral and 19 regional authorities | Reports from DGCCD, BUR and NDC Reports |
Project Implementation
1.1 Institutional and technical capacities for the formulation and use of sectorial long-term low greenhouse gas emissions development strategies are developed
1.1 Emission factors are developed for at least the Agriculture sector
1.1.1 Elaborate case studies for Local Emissions Factors in enteric fermentation for dairy cattle.
1.1.2 Prepare a guide for the validation by the IPCC of Emission Factors.
Deliverable(s): 1.1 Emission factors estimated and presneted to the IPCC.
1.2. Capacities on GHG emission projections of GHG inventory teams working with Peru's INFOCARBONO are enhanced.
1.2.1 Conduct a training on emission projections for the INFOCARBONO teams and professionals of the Direction of Greenhouse Gases Mitigation (DMGEI).
Deliverable(s) 1.2: Training design and materials provided.
1.3. General guidelines and tools to ensure consistency and comparability of GHG emission projections among sectors are developed.
1.3.1 Prepare a proposal of tools to be used in emissions projections by sector and category.
1.3.2 Prepare operational tools to carry out emission projections.
Deliverable(s) 1.3: Instruments and operational tools developed.
1.4. Public servants are trained to integrate long-term strategies and GHG emissions projections into policy and decision-making.
1.4.1 Train public servants involved in the preparation of proposals for long-term development policies that include gender perspective.
Deliverable(s) 1.4: Public servants trained and materials provided.
2.1 Institutional arrangements and technical capacities to systematize information for the implementation of the adaptation component of the NDC are established
2.1. An analysis of current monitoring and evaluation practices and gaps in the health sector is developed with a view to contribute to national level monitoring of adaptation action.
2.1.1 Prepare a study of existing monitoring and evaluation systems in the thematic area of health.
2.2. Technical capacities on monitoring and evaluation of adaptation actions/measures are strengthened in the health sector in collaboration with Peruvian research institutions.
2.2.1 Prepare Operational Data Sheets for indicators of health adaptation measures, incorporating the gender perspective.
2.2.2 Develop capacities in access to financing to strengthen Health Adaptation M&E.
Deliverable(s) 2.2: Opertional technical formats elaborated.
2.3. The M&E system of adaptation actions in the health sector is designed.
2.3.1 Design of the M&E system for adaptation to climate change in health.
Deliverable(s) 2.3: Design of M&E elaborated.
3.1 Institutional capacity for quantifying and reporting national public and private investments for the implementation of Peru’s NDC is strengthened
3.1 Public and private expenditures associated to the implementation of NDCs in Peru are identified and monitored.
3.1.1 Improve the format of the Corporate Sustainability Report of the private sector.
3.1.2 Strengthen the capacities of companies to report on climate change issues in the format of the sustainability report.
3.1.3 Design mechanisms that facilitate the reporting of public spending (investment and activities) on climate change.
Deliverable(s) 3.1: Standrad report template for tracking spending on climate change designed.
3.2. Public servants are trained to identify financial needs and report expenditures related to NDCs based on output 3.1.
3.2.1 Develop training in the application of mechanisms for reporting public spending on climate change.
Deliverable(s) 3.2: Public servants trained and materials provided.