Project Details


This project will assist Eswatini in overcoming the barriers that prevent the country from meeting its international commitments as set out in Articles 4 and 13 of the Paris Agreement. The CBIT work will cover the establishment of an online MRV system, reporting tools, templates and training and capacity development of new and existing teams in transparency related activities. Effective engagement of data users and data suppliers in the MRV system will result in generation of good quality and timely climate reports. Continuous preparation of these reports using established institutions and engagement of stakeholders will increase ownership and uptake of report findings at all levels. This will lead to improved capacities of national teams to better meet the Paris Agreement MRV processes.

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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
Number of visits per month to the public MRV platform 30 0 0 Online counting mechanism
Number of sectoral focal points for NDC implementation tracking providing data concurrently to the established platform as per guidelines 4 0 Annual data from sectors provided to the platform
Climate Transparency Unit annual workplan is approved Yes Unit not established 0 The CTU and its annual workplan approved by the Principal Secretary (MoTEA)

Project Implementation


Institutional Framework and technical capacities for planning, monitoring, reporting nationally determined contributions (NDC) strengthened
1. Climate change coordination framework estbalished for the Government of eSwatini and key stakeholders, with sectoral focal points to plan, track and report (internally) climate actions
1.1 Conduct a gaps and needs analysis for existing institutional arrangements for planning and implementing climate actions
1.2 Review the outputs from activities 9.1.2 and 9.1.3 of teh proposed FNC/BUR project with regards to potential efficiency increases of existing institutional arrangements relating to the MRV system
1.3 Provide technical support for the legal and regulatory framework to underpin proposed institutional arrangements (supported by the transparency unit);
1.4 Establish communication plan, including the potential use of planned engagement activities to promulgate the outputs of this component
Deliverable 1: One report on gaps and capacity needs regarding institutional arrangements for planning and implementing climate action
Deliverable 2: Implementation plan for efficient and coordinated institutional arrangements
Deliverable 3: Legal and Regulatory Framework design and drafts of Memorandums of Understanding or Cooperation Agreements for efficient and coordinated institutional arrangements
Deliverable 4: Communication plan, including the potential use of planned engagement activities to promulgate the outputs of this component
2. Climate transparency unit institutionalized
2.1 Analyse constraints and barriers in establishing the proposed transparency unit
2.2 Engage two consultants to operationalize the Transparency Unit
2.3 Coordinate and maintain the MRV system with the transparency unit, which includes the management of access to the system for various stakeholders and ensuring the information contained within the system is kept up to date
2.4 Regularly engage the Transparency Unit and the National Climate Change Committee to ensure coordination of secretariat functions
2.5 Advise the transparency unit on technical aspects of proposed legislation and supporting legal and regulatory framework
2.6 Prepare handover materials, guidance on the transition of responsibilities and conduct training to ensure that the consultant roles will be replaced by government staff
2.7 Provide project information to the CBIT Global Coordination Platform and to other regional and global initiatives in the format of public engagements
Deliverable 5: Implementation plan for institutionalizing the Transparency Unit
Deliverable 6: Quarterly meetings between the National Climate Change Committee and the transparency unit to address institutional barriers related to the performing of secretariat functions
Deliverable 7: Three workshops on technical MRV aspects organized by the Transparency unit
Deliverable 8: Detailed annual work plan for the Transparency Unit including milestones for deliverables
Deliverable 9: Report with recommendations on how to continue with the Transparency Unit after project end date
Deliverable 10: eSwatini's country profile on the CBIT Global Coordination Platform maintained and kept up-to-date
3. National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (NCCSAP) reviewed and updated to ensure that NDC implementation is mainstreamed
3.1 Update the National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (NCCSAP) and develop M&E framework for the NCCSAP to align with the NDC
3.2 Hold consultations with climate change framework focal points and technical working groups, as identified in output 1, to develop sectoral strategies as part of the updated NCCSAP
3.3 Undertake public consultation process to finalize the updated NCCSP and present it to Parliament
3.4 Produce annual NCCSAP implementation reports in close coordination with the Transparency Unit
Deliverable 11: Updated version of National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (NCCSAP) to comply with current MRV requirements and links to NDC
Deliverable 12: Three workshops to present draft and final versions of the updated NCCSAP for all sectoral stakeholders
Deliverable 13: Compilation of sector strategies integrated into the updated version of the NCCSAP with implementation plan and national indicators
Deliverable 14: A series of public consultations to finalize the NCCSP and present to Parliament
Deliverable 15: Two Annual Strategy implementation reports
4. An online Monitoring, Reporting & Verification (MRV) platform established
4.1 Conduct a needs assessment of existing technological and institutional capacity for the development of an online data management platform, identifying constraints and gaps
4.2 Building on activity 4.1, establish an online portal to support MRV system reporting and policy planning
4.3 Engage stakeholders with transparency unit, sectoral focal points and technical working groups to provide input on the structure of the online platform. This includes the consideration of other relevant reporting requirements that could be incorporated into the structure of the portal
4.4 Populate the portal with data on challenges and vulnerabilities, sectoral climate actions, action indicators, investment, the wider impacts of actions, and supporting data such as stakeholder contact information, key datasets, etc. (continuous activity).
Deliverable 16: One report assessing needs, constraints and gaps of existing technological and institutional capacity for the development of an online data platform
Deliverable 17: Online portal established to support reporting on NDC implementation and policy planning
Deliverable 18: Three workshops to get stakeholders inputs to the strucuture of the online platform
Deliverable 19: Updated technical content on the online MRV portal: challenges and vulnerabilities, sectoral climate actions, action indicators, investments, impacts of actions, stakeholder contact information, key datasets; metrics and indicators
5. Tools, templates and guidelines for MRV of climate change data developed
5.1 Conduct gap analysis of current tools, templates and guidelines used in eSwatini’s MRV system
5.2 Review international good practice tools, templates and guidelines and evaluate their applicability in eSwatini’s MRV system
5.3 Develop country-specific templates to streamline data collection and reporting for government and data providers
5.4 Develop material including a national GHG manual to support the development of long-term institutional memory recognizing that experts will change over time and successions need to be managed so that systems are sustainable
Deliverable 20: One gap analysis of current tools, templates and guidelines used in Eswatini’s MRV system
Deliverable 21: One report on international good practice tools, templates and guidelines reviewed and evaluated for their applicability in Eswatini’s MRV system
Deliverable 22: Country-specific templates to streamline data collection and data reporting
Deliverable 23: Material, including a national GHG manual, to support the development of long-term institutional memory
6. Country-specific metrics, indicators and methodologies devloped for tracking NDC climate actions
6.1 Conduct scoping exercise to identify existing data sources, monitoring mechanisms and indicators for NDC climate actions
6.2 Review existing metrics, indicators and methodologies from neighboring countries, principally South Africa and Mozambique, and assess suitability for adaptation in eSwatini
6.3 Build on neighbouring countries’ indicators if applicable, and develop new indicators for country-specific NDC mitigation and adaptation actions
6.4 Develop methodologies for data collection activities associated with NDC action indicators
6.5 Update the NDC as needed to ensure alignment with NCCSAP
Deliverable 24: One report on exisiting data sources and monitoring mechanisms
Deliverable 25: One final report with a list of NDC indicators and methodologies for data collection activities
Deliverable 26: Updated baseline data for NDC indicators compiled to enable scenario development
Deliverable 27: NDC document updated as needed
7. Capacity building delivered on the MRV system in eSwatini
7.1 Conduct needs assessment for capacity building exercises within relevant institutions such as government departments responsible for tracking NDC implementation
7.2 Build capacity among national experts in improved GHG inventory processes such as IPCC inventory methodologies, QA/QC tools, inventory management and reporting templates
7.3 Develop and implement a capacity building program for focal points, technical working groups and stakeholders involved in NDC indicator tracking and reporting
7.4 Build capacity for stakeholders on data supply and data quality
7.5 Develop a ‘train the trainers’ scheme by providing support and materials that will enable capacity building exercises to be continued post-project
7.6 Engage decision makers on how to integrate climate information into national policy
7.7 Conduct peer exchange at the regional and international level
Deliverable 28: Capacity development program for national experts on improved NDC implementation tracking, GHG inventory processes such as IPCC inventory methodologies, QA/QC tools, inventory management and reporting templates
Deliverable 29: 15 training events for stakeholders reflecting the Capacity Development Program
Deliverable 30: ‘Train the trainers’ scheme complementing the Capacity Development Program for efficinet NDC implementation, including materials and targeted capacity development
Deliverable 31: Quartely meetings with decision makers on how to integrate climate information into national policy
Deliverable 32: Participation in five peer exchange activities/events at the regional and international level

Project Documents