Project Details

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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
Number of ministries, municipalities/communes, and other national institutions with strengthened capacities to provide data to the MRV system platform 9 0 0 Updated NDC and NAP, BUR, NC; GHG inventory, BTR, reports from central database
Qualitative rating of Burkina Faso’s institutional capacity for transparency-related activities 4 (= 0
% of training participants (Output 1.2) declaring to have a better level of awareness on climate transparency and MRV mechanisms At least 70% 0 0 Survey to be completed by all training participants at the beginning and the end
Qualitative rating of Burkina Faso’s national GHG inventory reporting system 4 (= 0
Qualitative rating of Burkina Faso’s NDC implementation reporting and tracking system 3 (= 0
% of training participants (Output 2.4) declaring to be in a better position to use the MRV system to track and report progress of the NDC and NAP At least 70% 0% 0 Survey to be completed by all training participants at the beginning and end

Project Implementation


1. Institutional arrangements for climate transparency are strengthened to support the long-term strategy on climate transparency
1.1 A climate change coordination framework and focal points established to plan, track and report climate actions
1.1.1 Identify key stakeholders, their role and responsibilities in climate transparency with a view to propose a coordination framework
1.1.2 Designate focal points at the level of the member institutions of the coordination framework
1.1.3 Develop a decree establishing a framework for coordinating enhancing Transparency in Climate Actions
1.2 Awareness raising through training on climate transparency, MRV mechanisms and integration of NDC and NAP in policy provided to decision makers from government, civil society and private sector
1.2.1 Prepare materials for the awareness raising, and make these available for further access in a website/platform
1.2.2 Organize two sensitization workshops for Government members and parliamentarians on climate transparency, MRV mechanisms and the integration of NDC and NAP into policies
1.2.3. Organize four information and awareness-raising workshops for officials of institutions (technical services, private sector, and civil society) on climate transparency and MRV mechanisms
1.3 Climate data sharing protocols developed and adopted
1.3.1 Develop templates for protocols for the operation of climate data sharing
1.3.2 Establish a multidisciplinary working group and organize four working sessions to monitor and amend draft climate data sharing protocols
1.3.3. Organize a protocol validation workshop
1.3.4 Organize a protocol signing ceremony with the different stakeholders
1.4 Long-term strategy on climate transparency designed and adopted
1.4.1 Develop a strategy on climate transparency
1.4.2 Develop a gender action plan related to climate transparency
1.4.3 Develop and implement a communication plan on climate transparency
2. Burkina Faso tracks and reports progress of the NDC and NAP, including public and private investments, especially in AFOLU and Waste sectors
2.1 An analysis of current monitoring and evaluation practices and gaps developed
2.1.1. Analyse the current practice and system for collecting, processing and disseminating climate data
2.1.2. Identify the gaps of the national system compared to the international requirements
2.2 A domestic MRV system designed, tested and operationalized
2.2.1. Design the MRV system and practices
2.2.2. Set up an Interactive MRV Online Platform
2.2.3. Test the platform with a sector
2.2.4. Evaluate and exchange experience on the testing of the platform, and agree on the expansion of its coverage
2.3 Methodologies for country-specific emission factors developed for AFOLU and Waste sectors
2.3.1 Establish protocols with universities and research centers on studies/research related to emission factors in the AFOLU and waste sectors
2.3.2. Develop the methodologies to define emission factors in the AFOLU and waste sectors of selected emitters/sources
2.4 Training on MRV system provided to network members and stakeholders from civil sociatey and private sector
2.4.1 Conduct a training session for members of the MRV Platform
2.4.2 Organize two training sessions for local authorities and decentralized technical structures of the concerned sectors on the MRV system
2.4.3 Organize five training sessions for women associations on the MRV system
2.5 Peer exchange activities for experience sharing implemented
2.5.1 Organize five peer exchange webinars
2.5.2 Organize a sub-regional peer exchange workshop in Burkina Faso
2.5.3 Actively participate in the CBIT Global Coordination Platform
2.6 A review of baseline projections of NAP and NDC carried out
2.6.1. Conduct an analysis of the baseline projections of the NDC and NAP, identify inaccuracies and correct these
2.7 Methodology to keep track of progress in the implementation of NDCs, NAP and transparency, including specific indicators, developed
2.7.1 Revise NDC and NAP including defining and tracking indicators and targets
2.8 Public and private expenditures related to the implementation of Burkina Faso’s NDC and NAP identified and tracked in AFOLU and Waste
2.8.1. Evaluate domestic public and private expenditure related to the implementation of the NAP, the NDC and climate transparency in the sectors of AFOLU and Waste

Project Documents