Project Details


The project aims to enhance the efficiency of national climate change actions and the synergies with other related national actions, policies and measures, walking along a path to reach an integral, climate resilient and low-carbon development.  The project will strengthen national capacities, both institutional and technical, pursuing more efficient articulation to allow an enhanced enabling environment for transparency-related activities, as well as adopting or improving methodologies and tools to enhance transparency as requested in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement. Through this strengthening, Uruguay will be more efficient in the definition, development and implementation of policies and measures, based on more timely and accurate information, monitoring and assessment of the instruments applied to face climate change. 

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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
Extent to which implementation of comprehensive measures to achieve low-emission and climate resilient development has improved 4-Largely 3 0 Biennial Update Reports and National Communications presented by the country
Number of direct project beneficiaries 10 0 0 National Transparency Task Force where institutional stakeholders participate
Number of direct project beneficiaries that increase their capacities to meet enhanced transparency requirements 10 0 0 Participants´ registers in trainings
Number of meetings of the National Transparency Task Force 36 0 0 National Transparency Task Force meetings list
Number of stakeholder institutions that completed at least one of the learning components of the capacity building program 10 0 0 Participants´ registers in trainings
Number of stakeholder institutions accessing or providing inputs from transparency initiatives to the knowledge sharing information system 10 0 0 Reference institutions included in the NDC tracking visualization platform
Number of tools and methodologies applied in the framework of the domestic MRV system to track NDC implementation 34 0 0 Information sheets inlcuded in the NDC tracking visualization platforms
Number of new categories reported in national GHG inventory after full adoption of 2006 IPPC guidelines 6 0 0 2019 NGHGI report submitted with the BUR4
Number of key categories reported with higher level approaches 2 0 0 2019 NGHGI report submitted with the BUR4
Number of regional workshops, peer exchanges or training, in which the country experts involved in NDC and MRV participate during project execution 6 0 0 List of regional workshops included in PIRs

Project Implementation


1.1 Establishment of an efficient and articulated institutionality that allows the development of transparency-related activities
1.1.1 National Transparency Task Force established, building on existing institutionality (SNRCC)
A1. Define, within the SNRCC, the integration and responsibilities, as well as the modality and term for the establishment of the task force.
A2. Define members' roles, frequency of meetings, and continuity agreement after project completion
1.1.2 Capacity building needs and gaps assessment of the institutional enabling environment for transparency developed
B1. Identify the roles and responsibilities of national institutions
B2. Analyze capacity building needs and gaps through a self-assessment, using for example the self-assessment tool to be available in the CBIT Global Coordination Platform
1.1.3 Capacity building program for the Ministry of Housing, Land Planning and Environment and other relevant institutions in the SNRCC to develop initiatives to enhance transparency designed and implemented, with a gender responsive approach
C1. Based on the analysis of capacity building needs and gaps, define the thematic contents for a capacity building program focused on definition and tracking of NDC objectives, mitigation and adaptation measures, and their MRV
C2. Assess the need to include sectoral thematic contents to support the identification, progress, and effects of mitigation and adaptation measures in the NDC, and monitoring of progress of sectoral adaptation plans
C3. Include a training module on gender and climate change, providing methodologies or tools to conduct gender analysis and mainstream gender equality considerations when identifying and assessing impacts of mitigation and adaptation measures
C4. Promote and support the participation in the capacity building program of all relevant stakeholders, maintain a registry of training delivered and participation disaggregated by gender, and periodically assess the usefulness of the program and make the necessary adjustments
1.1.4 Knowledge sharing information system from transparency initiatives (MRV, BUR, NC, GHG inventory) implemented and integrated into policy and decision making
D1. Gather available knowledge products to include in the information system
D2. Develop new products to share in the system for transparency purposes, such as more in-depth descriptions and assessment methodologies for mitigation and adaptation measures
D3. Implement the knowledge sharing information system and establish means of updating and improving it based on stakeholders' feedback
D4. Make relevant information available for public access through platforms such as the National Environmental Observatory and National GHG Inventory System website
2.1 Domestic MRV system designed and established, including adaptation, technology transfer, financing, capacity building and mitigation
2.1.1 Protocol for developing the technical inputs needed for updating the NDC elaborated
E1. Gather existing inputs and identify additional ones needed to improve activity data and projections' methodologies in order to update the subsequent NDC objectives; Identify data gaps for tracking NDC objectives and verification, and identify means to generate the required data
E2. Develop a protocol, including at least: the technical inputs referred above; sources, formats, and frequency of delivery of inputs; calculation memory used for determining NDC objectives; procedures to suggest and adopt changes to the calculation memory; and roles and responsibilities
2.1.2 Software tool to calculate the estimations for targets defined in the NDC, based on official databases, and for tracking the progress towards achieving the targets
F1. Based on the inputs and calculation memory included in the protocol, identify an adequate software tool to develop, or adapt an existing one
F2. Develop or adapt the selected tool, connect it to the knowledge sharing information system (output 1.1.4), train users, and validate the software tool
2.1.3 Methodologies for assessing and reporting mitigation measures, policies and their effects, identified and adopted, with a gender-sensitive approach
G1. Define aspects that are relevant to assess and report mitigation measures and policies, such as: GHG emissions abatement and changes in carbon stocks; social, environmental and economic benefits; gender equality; technology innovation or transfer; and capacity strengthening
G2. Develop indicators related to those aspects and a methodology to apply them for assessing and reporting measures, establishing monitoring procedures and frequency; Apply the methodology for a prioritized sample of measures included in the first NDC
G3. Carry out outreach activities to communicate mitigation measures and policies and their effects
2.1.4 Methodologies for assessing the implementation of adaptation measures, policies and their effects, and for communicating them, identified and adopted; Methodologies include cost-benefit analysis and impact assessment, with a gender-sensitive approach
H1. Define aspects that are relevant to assess the results of adaptation measures and policies, such as: vulnerability reduction of ecosystems and communities; cost-benefit analysis; gender equality; technology innovation or transfer; and capacity strengthening
H2. Develop indicators related to those aspects and a methodology to apply them for assessing and reporting measures, in terms of benefits and impacts; Apply the methodology for some measures included in the NDC, and support the development of methodology to analyse impacts of climate extreme events
H3. Coordinate development of indicators with indicators developed under the Sectoral Adaptation Plans, and gather information on specific and generic indicators from these plans to mainstream in future NDCs and NCs on adaptation
H4. Carry out outreach activities to communicate adaptation measures and policies, and their effects
2.1.5 Methodologies for assessing and reporting support needed and received by the country, identified and implemented
I1. Systematize the support received from developed country parties in terms of financing, technology transfer, and capacity building for the progress on the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures in the first NDC, and for their MRV
I2. Identify the support gap in terms of financing, technology transfer, and capacity building, to fully implement the conditional mitigation measures and the adaptation measures included in the first NDC
2.2. Improvement of national GHG inventories
2.2.1 Country-specific emission factors for CO2 from cement manufacture developed, and existing national emission factors for key source categories such as agriculture and LULUCF updated
J1. Develop methodology and data gathering from cement production industries to improve country specific emission factors for this category
J2. Based on the identification of methods and resources needed to develop or improve specific emission factors under agriculture and LULUCF sector, develop, update, and publish them, aiming to include these emission factors in the IPCC emission factor database
2.2.2 Assessment of available information to include other carbon pools in GHG emission estimations, these are included in IPCC guidelines but not estimated in GHG inventory
L1. Assess if default emission factors from 2006 IPCC guidelines are appropriate; if not, develop country specific emission factors to use in the estimation of GHG from soil organic carbon, dead organic matter and litter. Estimate these emission and removals once LULUCF matrix is validated
L2. Improve knowledge on existing peatland areas in collaboration with technical teams for the implementation of Ramsar Convention, SNAP and PROBIDES, among others. Assess the viability of including this land use category in future national GHG inventory
L3. Complete the analysis of the approaches presented in IPCC guidelines to estimate carbon sequestration form HWP, define which approach better represent the national HWP flows, and assess the inclusion of this carbon pool in future national GHG inventory and NDC
L4. Identify and apply a methodology to estimate carbon stocks maintained in the carbon pools and land use categories included in the national objectives of the first NDC
2.2.3 LULUCF matrix elaborated to improve activity data for the national GHG inventory
M1. Assess if it's adequate to use the Collect Earth tool to elaborate the LULUCF matrix ; if so, determine roles, responsibilities, and resources to generate these matrices at the frequency needed for the subsequent national GHG inventory
M2. If needed, identify and assess other tools or national initiatives which could generate the matrices in substitution of the Collect Earth tool
M3. Select the tool and elaborate the matrix up to the most recent year information available
M4. Coordinate the gathering of data with responsible data providers to monitor and document areas of grasslands and croplands under sustainable management and usage plans
2.2.4 Assessment of gaps, constraints, and needs to fully adopt the 2006 IPCC guidelines for national GHG inventories developed
N1. Assess the gaps, constrains and needs to develop country specific emission factors, activity data gathering to use higher tiers, in accordance with good practices guidance
N2. Explore methodologies for indirect GHG emission occurring in the country but not included in the IPCC guidelines
2.2.5 Training in 2006 IPCC guidelines at relevant ministries carried out
M1. Take the 2006 IPCC guidelines training offered for instance by the GHG Management Institute in the framework of participation of the country in Red INGEI, aiming to level the knowledge on cross-cutting and sectoral issues among institutional stakeholders in charge of elaboration of GHG inventory
M2. Carry out training on the IPCC software application for preparation of national GHG inventory
2.3 Capacity building from country specific training and regional peer exchanges
2.3.1 Country specific training and peer exchange programs on transparency activities, such as establishment of domestic MRV system, tracking NDC, enhancement of projections of GHG emissions, enhancement of economic projections, among others, developed
N1. Participate in the capacity building activities offered in the framework of Red INGEI
N2. Carry out country specific training based on the needs identified in 1.1.2
N3. Explore and carry out peer exchanges to improve transparency related activities, such as improvement of national GHG inventory system, methodologies to track NDC objectives and measures, and methods to verify the impacts of mitigation measures in GHG emission estimations

Project Documents