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Project Details
The project is designed to provide support for building institutional and technical capacities to meet enhanced transparency requirements as defined in the Article 13 of the Paris Agreement of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. It uses a capacity strengthening approach to shift from ad hoc reporting to a continuous process of monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) that will capture transparency activities and allow the country to track its progress against its commitments under its NDC. The first project component will establish national institutional arrangements for an enhanced transparency framework, the second project component will introduce MRV systems that will support the enhanced transparency framework, and the third project component will provide capacity building for stakeholders that will be necessary to support transparency-related activities over time.
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Project Indicators
Indicator | Target | Baseline | Value | Source of verification |
# direct project beneficiaries disaggregated by gender (individual people) | 120 (65 women) | 0 | 0 | Project Documentation; Participant lists for all project events |
Presence of institutional arrangements for a national transparency framework | An inter-agency working group is meeting at least twice a year. | No arrangements | 0 | Government documentation |
Presence of legal and/or regulatory requirements for a national transparency framework | DSAs or regulatory mandates are in place for at least two key reporting sectors. | No arrangements | 0 | Government documentation |
Presence of an operational MRV system for continuous data collection and reporting to the UNFCCC and the PA with gender disaggregated data (if needed) | An MRV system for climate data and information is operational. | Ad hoc collection | 0 | System test |
Use of sectoral templates for GHG data collection in key sectors of the inventory | Inventory experts in at least two key sectors are using sectoral templates. | Different approaches | 0 | NIR |
Number of sub-sectors where emissions estimates are more robust. | The GHG inventory will have more robust estimates in at least two sub-sectors. | Discrepancies | 0 | NIR |
Use of standardized methodologies and guidelines in transparency reporting. | At least one national CC reporting document uses methodology developed. | Lack of methodology | 0 | Most recent NC and BUR |
Coverage of gender issues in climate change reporting | An analysis of gender issues is included in at least one national CC report. | Not comprehensive | 0 | Most recent NC and BUR |
Armenia is able to track its progress towards its NDCs. | Armenia will release a status report on its progress towards its NDCs. | No tracking system | 0 | NDC Status Report |
Accessibility of information regarding transparency initiatives and climate change reporting in Armenia. | Armenia’s climate reports are available on a national CC portal. | Different locations | 0 | MRV Portal |
Consideration of gender issues in progress towards the NDC | The tracking system for the NDC monitors gender considerations. | Limited information | 0 | NDC Status Report |
Project Implementation
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