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Project Details
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Location: Corina Hotel, Sinkor, Monrovia
Location: Monrovia
Project Indicators
Indicator | Target | Baseline | Value | Source of verification |
Indicator 1.1.1.: No. of protocols to measure, track and report mitigation and adaptation data from NDC sectors developed, tested and certified | At least on eprotocol consisting of standard methods for MRV | None | 0 | |
Indicator 1.1.2.: No. of technical guides developed | At least one technical guide developed for ech NDC sector based on IPCC | None | 0 | |
Indicator 1.2.1: Number of web based systems for managing all NDC information and GHG data | At least 1 web based system for managing all NDC information and GHG data at EPA | None | 0 | |
Indicator 1.2.2 Number of NDC sectoral hubs strengthened | At least 4 NDC sectoral hubs fully compliant in reporting (inter) nationally | - | 0 | |
Indicator 1.3.1: Number of technical staff from NDC sectors and stakeholders trained to effectively utilize the developed NDC transparency system | At least 300 MRV stakeholders equipped to use the established NDC system | - | 0 | |
Indicator 1.3.2. No of ToT workshops for EPA | At least 3 ToT workshops conducted, for at least 300 stakeholders (100 women) | - | 0 | |
Indicator 1.4.1. % Increase in number of GHGI and MRV non-state actors | At least 30% increase in number of non-state actors represented on the NCCSC | - | 0 | |
Indicator 1.4.2.: Number of NDC intersectoral arrangements on GHGI and MRV system | At least one GHGI and MRV system MoU between EPA and NDC sectors signed | None | 0 | |
Indicator 1.4.3.: Number of in NDC sectors compliant with IPCC reporting requirements guidelines | At least 4 NDC sectors 100% compliant with IPCC reporting requirements | None | 0 | |
Indicator 2.1.1 No of protocols for measuring results related to the land use, agriculture, energy, transport and waste sectors used by stakeholders | At least 1 protocol for measuring results from each of the NDC sectors developed | None | 0 | |
2.1.2. Number of stakeholders trained in implementing plans of NDC sectors GHG data collection, processing and reporting | At least 200 stakeholders trained and involved in implementing NDC plans | - | 0 | |
Indicator 3.1.1: Number of operational NDC sectoral GHGI and MRV data systems | At least 5 NDC sector GHG data and MRV information is uploaded to the CBIT GCP | None | 0 | |
Indicator 3.1.2.: The Liberia national GHG inventory established and launched | At least one Public event organized by the NCCSC for launching the GHGI | 0 |
Project Implementation
1.1 Procedures to measure, track and report mitigation and adaptation data from the land use, agriculture, energy, transport and waste sectors transparently strengthened
1.1.1 Protocol and methodology for data collection across multiple sectors established
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.2 NDC transparency system in place in accordance with the prescribed UNFCCC standard
1.2.1 Online system for collecting and managing all NDC information and data transparency including GHG inventory in collaboration with Liberian Environmental Protection Agency developed
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.3 Capacity of key ministries and stakeholders to effectively utilize the developed NDC transparency system strengthened
1.3.1 Training for at least 300 stakeholders over the life of the project to utilize the NDC transparency system and manage relevant data conducted
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
1.3.2 Three Training of Trainers workshops to deepen and broaden the knowledge of professionals working in climate change on the transparency requirements conducted
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
2.1 Capacity to measure and report land use, agriculture, energy, transport and waste sectors NDC improved
2.1.1 Processes and protocols for measuring results related to the land use, agriculture, energy, transport and waste sectors established
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
2.1.2. Implementation plans developed and atleast 200 stakeholders trained to land use, agriculture, energy, transport and waste into the NDC
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
3.1 Fully developed data integration and sharing procedure for use by stakeholders as a one stop source of information for transparency reporting
3.1.1 Data for GHG inventory and MRV system aggregated from different sources, and included in the Global CBIT Coordination Platform
>to be provided upon approval of project document<
3.1.2 National inventory of greenhouse gas emissions established and made publically available
>to be provided upon approval of project document<