Expert in Climate Change, Bioenergies, Agricultural Planning and Sustainable Energy, with a doctorate in Environment, +10 years of research, and +10 years of international professional experience in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Lead author of the IPCC and Expert Reviewer of the UNFCCC for BURs, TA REDD+ and FRELs. • Technical and financial coordinator of projects and programs with international financing, with experience in organizing and articulating with groups of multiple stakeholders, including national and sub-national governments, implementing agencies, private sector and civil society. • Strategic advisor on climate change policy, REDD +, carbon markets, bioenergy systems, agricultural and forestry value chains, organic waste management, sustainable agriculture and energy planning. Art.6 negotiator at the UNFCCC and international forums. • University professor in Climate Change, Bioenergies, Agricultural Planning and Sustainable Energy. • Main areas of specialization: Quantification and analysis of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and captures in agriculture, livestock and forestry systems, nationally determined contributions (NDC) and long-term low-emission development strategies (LTS), MRV mitigation actions, international negotiations under the UNFCCC, REDD+ and resultbased payments, carbon markets, feasibility studies, policy advice and evaluation, capacity building, design and implementation of certification schemes, modeling and simulation of environmental and socioeconomic indicators, biofuel life cycle analysis, biogas plant design. • Languages: Proficient in Spanish (Native), French, English, Portuguese and Italian.